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          International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO)

                                         and Switzerland:

              Together for a Safer World

                                               The ICDO considers
         In recent decades the world's devel-                                 neva Zones" (Association des Lieux
         opment has been characterised by a    that it has a special          de Genève) was founded in Paris by
         significant increase in the economic                                 the French surgeon-general Georges
         and social damage caused by disas-      responsibility to            Saint-Paul. He was the first to pro-
         ters and accidents. According to the                                 pose the idea of creating safety areas,
         2015 World Disasters Report, there    prepare civil popula-          or "neutralized zones' in countries
         were 317 natural catastrophes world-                                 involved in hostilities where civilians
         wide in 2014 affecting 94 countries.   tions to fight against        - in particular women, children, the
         Almost 107 million people suffered                                   elderly and the infirm - could seek
         from these disasters in 2014 and eco-  disasters and to train        refuge in times of war. He also ad-
         nomic losses were estimated at USD                                   vocated the protection of historical
         99.2 billion. There is little doubt that   civil protection          monuments and cultural assets dur-
         climate change will lead to further in-                              ing times of war or conflict.
         crease in the frequency and severity   personnel, as well as         In 1937, the headquarters of the or-
         of hazards and the number of people                                  ganisation was transferred to Geneva
         exposed to them.                      to introduce modern            where it received a new name - the
         The benefits of years of development                                 International Association of Geneva
         can be wiped out by a major catastro-  information systems of         Zones, a move that was supported by
         phe. It is therefore necessary to con-                               the Swiss government. In 1949 a Dip-
         sider natural and technological risks   disaster prevention.         lomatic Conference was convened
         as a serious obstacle to sustainable                                 during which the fourth Geneva Con-
         development. In these circumstances,                                 vention - focused on the protection
         the protection of populations against the consequences of  of civilians in times of war and envisaging safety zones
         natural and man-made disasters in peacetime is becom-  and localities for the civilian population - was adopted
         ing of utmost importance.                           and signed.
                                                             In 1958, the International Association of Geneva Zones
         Armed conflicts also represent a looming threat to sus-  became the International Civil Defence Organization
         tainable development. They have taken new forms and  (ICDO) and was accorded the status of a non-govern-
         have direct repercussions on civil populations. The recent   mental organization.
         crisis in Europe caused by the unprecedented influx of
         refugees from war-torn areas is posing new challenges to   Today, with its 55 Member States, 19 observer states and
         the international community. According to a United Na-  a constantly increasing number of affiliated members,
         tions estimate, in 2015 more than 78 million people from   ICDO has come a long way since its creation 85 years
         22 countries were caught in the biggest humanitarian  ago. Its main goal is to assist the development of national
         crises of our times, calling for large-scale humanitarian  civil defence organisations, to facilitate the exchange of
         assistance.                                          experience and to strengthen the coordination of efforts
         Geneva hosts the International Civil Defence Organiza-  in the area of disaster prevention, preparedness and in-
         tion (ICDO), one of the oldest organisations in the world  tervention. The ICDO considers that it has a special re-
         that aims to ensure the development of institutions and  sponsibility to prepare civil populations to fight against
         the means of protecting civilian populations against the  disasters and to train civil protection personnel, as well
         consequences of natural and man-made disasters as well  as to introduce modern information systems of disaster
         as during humanitarian crises.                       prevention.
         ICDO has been closely related to Switzerland from the  Switzerland joined the ICDO as host country in Janu-
         first day of its existence. In 1931, the 'Association of Ge-   ary 1997 and ever since has actively participated in its

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