Page 18 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 18


              A brief overview of the material and equipment delivered
                                                             for the 2015- 2025 period. The aim is to help the ICDO
                                                             and its Member States to fight natural and man-made
                                                             disasters more effectively. In June 2015 an Interna-
                                                             tional Monitoring and Coordination Centre (IMCC)
                                                             was opened at the ICDO headquarters in Geneva. The
                                                             IMCC is a tool to enable updated risk assessment and
                                                             mapping in ICDO Member States; its ultimate goal is
                                                             to better help protect the population, property, and the
                                                             environment. The opening of the centre is a landmark
                    EQI IPMENT TYPES
                    - EgA 	- ETA AM Eq.W[TTA   - E  bRT  TMT•T   in the history of the ICDO. This is the first step towards
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                                                             creating a management information system, which will
                                                             become the basis for establishing an international net-
                                                             work of centres under the auspices of the ICDO to com-
                                                             bat disasters.
         The creation of warehouses by the ICDO was acclaimed  Today, the International Civil Defence Organization
         by all ICDO Member States. EMERCOM of Russia will  (ICDO) is developing rapidly and becoming one of the
         contribute to the development of this project by supply-  leading international organizations contributing to the
         ing firefighting equipment for                                             creation of effective national
         the warehouse in Kyrgyzstan.                                               civil protection services world-
                                            The program me supports a
         Some other countries are also                                              wide.
         contemplating the idea of join-    wide variety of educational
         ing the project.                                                           The support of all ICDO Mem-
                                          forums, including conferences,            ber and Observer States is vital
         Training programme                                                         for the further continuation of
         The ICDO educational and        workshops, seminars, field exer-           the ICDO technical assistance
         training programme in the field                                            and training programmes. The
                                                 cises and e-learning
         of civil defence and civil protec-                                         ICDO hopes that cooperation
         tion covers all aspects ofpreven-                                          with Switzerland will continue
         tion, response and rehabilitation with respect to natural  in the future with the ultimate goal to create a safer and
         and man-made disasters. Training is targeted at a number  more sustainable world.
         of interest groups, such as sen-
         ior civil defence staff, junior
         professionals, trainers of train-    THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME
         ers, government officials and                          OVER THE YEARS
         other decision-makers, public
         information officers, volunteers,
         youth and the general public.
         The programme supports a wide
                                                                              GUINEA           GEORGIA
         variety of educational forums,                                        MALI           KY ROY U STAN
                                                                             MAURITANIA       KAZAKHSTAN
         including conferences, work-                                 BENIN   NIGER            MALAYSIA
                                                                    BURKINA PASO
         shops, seminars, field exercises          COMOROS                                              TUNISIA
                                                                    COTE D'IVOIRE
                                                    BURUNDI                                             SUDAN
         and e-learning.                                             GHANA
         ICDO Strategic Development
                                                   CAMEROON                           MONGOLIA
         Programme for 2015-2025                    CONGO                             PAKISTAN
                                                    REP. DEM                          TAJIKISTAN
         The ICDO and its Member                    CONGO                             UZBEKISTAN   IRAQ
                                                             NIGERIA                           JORDAN
         States feel that they have a spe-                   SENEGAL                           LEBANON
                                                             TOGO                              PALESTINE
         cial responsibility to prepare                                                        YEMEN
         civil society to better respond                              HAITI
                                                                              III ITU1IJS
         to disasters, as well as to intro-                                   BOSNIA  -
                                                                             HE ILLLG(MNA
         duce modern information sys-                                         cvcus                          0
                                                                              sFRRLS          00

         tems for disaster prevention.                                                        0
                                                                                                      000  0
         The ICDO has adopted a Stra-                                               QD   00

                                                                                0 00     0  0  00     0    0
         tegic Development Programme
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