Page 20 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 20


                                                                              we have been elected to seat on the
           IRAQ            TURKEY 	                                            Human Rights Council, so that gives
                                A              —t
                                                         0Mtândowab 	          you an indication that Iraq is now on
                                                                               the right path.
                                        Aqrah ) RByb                 Zanjdri
                                    AlMawyd   /'• .1
                           (S 	             ARBtL' 	                           Every country goes through adjust-
                                 Tall 'Afar
          -36oaqqah 	              5 5 5 	                -                    ments. It's a continuous process,
                                  HdQyy h
            SYRIAN ARAB         Al ar 	                                        and this should never stop. I think
             REPUBLIC                              S
                                        tO 	                   0Sanandaj       that this is an indication of a healthy
             Dayr az Zawr' -  1.              @
                                                   S 	,Ialabjah
                                                                               country, a healthy government and
                                                          ISlAMI RIlpuRolC' 012
                                         •       -'2 . g              Harrioadin   thinking that you always review and
                                        ALdtUAD                 IRAN
                   AbU KarnHl
                          o   Anal,0     	                                     adjust. That is a very good indica-
                           r. Al 	              DIYALA   J                340   tion.
                                   At i;fab64     éa'qUbah\,
             • '
              Wahd                        'S."          ) 	 0
                                 At RamSdiA) 2A'   Baghdad 	 l-(horromabad     Q: How was it for instance, to start
                                                BAGHDAD  	                cl
                                                       / ,Mehrss
                   ArRw.. 	                                                    with an election process when people
                         AL ANBAR
                                                     'V   \s   T 	             had no experience in voting?
                                        Kabalaôi H H
                                               'Al Hillah
                                                              AIaiGha          Our people were very anxious to vote,
                                                   >lKut AlHart,
                                                         0' '
                             WkhaybP                             ®Al AmSrah    even though at that time, the situation
                     "S                     U
                                               AL QADISIYAH\ QaIHI Sukkar
                                                          - 	                  was very bad in Iraq, because of ter-
                                                                  Qarat dJih
                                                           - \
                                         Qaryat at 	  Q \
                    dayy dat A         / 	               )Hi            Ahvaz
                             	                                                 rorism and the fact that Al Qaida was
                        0Ar'ar        / AN NAJAF
                                •                                              all over. However, despite the mor-
                                                     AnN nyah.
                                                         JaIba   S    2        tars, bombs, and all the danger, peo-
                                      \., 	                    ALB\$\H         ple took their kids with them, even
                                             ( AL MUTHANNA1.
               SAUDI ARABIA                                      UmmQr"
                                        \ /
                                                   Makhtar at Bu1ayyah         though the children were not allowed
             o   National capital    ROOtS 0                 I  /uw            to vote. It was just to show them the
             €1  	Governorate capital                          / Al Jahrah,
             o   Town, vdlage                                         +        process of voting. The Iraqi families
             + Airport                                                         were very proud that they were going
                International boundary
                Governorate boundary                                           to vote, and they impressed the world
               Expressway                                0ttatar at BSn
                Main road                                                      that they did. They could have got
                Secondary road                                            28°-
            	                                       0  	                       killed - and some were indeed killed
                                                       It) 100 tO 20 150 300km
                                                                               - and yet they came to vote. This only
              0,   O5  00  00504 000005
                             420           440           46° 	                 shows how determined they were to
                                                                               display their dedication and praise to
                                            there. I think that overall the progress  the emerging democracy.
                                            made during these 13 years is not so
                                            bad. We came up with a permanent  Q: When the war with Kuwait broke
                                            Constitution. During all these years,  out, rumours said that it was a com-
                                            Iraq did not have a permanent con-  pletely set up, in a pure Machiavel-
                                            stitution until 2005, only a temporary  lian way. Do you agree?
                                            one. An elected, democratic govern-  That's again, the misjudgement of the
                                            ment was another achievement. The  dictatorship and the dictator of that
         of dictatorship; there is a difference.   last achievement we witnessed was  time that he was fooled into this. He
         Generations were raised during these  the one we got in 2014, when we got  had the ego and wanted to control
         forty years, so we needed a change  a new government, and there was a  the world, he was given the indica-
         in mentality, something that was  peaceful and democratic transition.  tion that he could go out and con-
         definitely not easy. People were badly  No matter how far you have come in  quer the world.
         oppressed. Today, they are breathing  the development process, you will al-  The Iraqi people were so upset and
         this freedom by giving new ideas to  ways need to adjust. So, in compari-  angry for what the ruler at that time
         develop further. We are in the proc-  son to the adjustment we must make  had done. The Kuwaitis are our
         ess of adjusting our goals and aspira-  today compared to what we had to do  friends, our relatives, and we are so
         tions and to make sure that we have  in the past, this is close to nothing.   close. We have lived so many years
         a straight solid ground to move for-  In addition, we have been facing  together. Many Iraqis did not want to
         ward.                              Daesh and terrorism during these 13  join the army and go to fight. Some
         We started out in 2003. We did not  years. Despite all these challenges,  were even killed because of their atti-
         have politicians to rule. Today, they are  we have made good progress. Lately  tude. I cannot go and fight my neigh-
         18  	                                                              DIVA - INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMAT
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