Page 23 - DIVA_1_2017
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versities, became UNEC students. on nature and mission of the SABAH beyond SABAH groups by serving the
SABAH is becoming an efficient project. Lecturing at SABAH classes is entire university.
tool to attract talented and prom- considered a proof of teaching excel-
ising students, nationwide, from lence and an indicator of high prestige Positively influenced areas
fifty-three HEIs (both public and in academic community. However, Application of the Matthew Effect al-
private). SABAH has become a "na- UNEC prefers to attract visiting pro- lows us to classify the main positive
tional brand" of Azerbaijani higher fessors from leading foreign univer- results of elite groups at UNEC: di-
education, and all high school stu- sities who bring their own ideas and rect benefits at SABAH groups level
dents desire to achieve the status of perspectives. More than ten visiting - quality students; quality faculty;
SABAH student, which they keep professors have taught in SABAH improved curricula; more visiting
forever, similar to Fuibrighter in the classes during first two years. UNEC professors; direct funding; industry
US. I believe that getting more bright has managed to organize several lec- interest; more resources; indirect ben-
students functions as one of the tures delivered by those visiting pro- efits at the university level - quantity
mechanisms of the "virtuous circle" fessors for non-SABAH students dur- of students; quality students; quality
based on SABAH groups at UNEC. ing their stay. Furthermore, we see faculty; improved curricula; industry
In that sense, SABAH increases ex- that UNEC tries to benefit from vis- interest; more international students;
cess demand and the opportunity for iting professors who bring something more visiting professors; additional
selectivity, and therefore for future more than expertise and knowledge funding; more research grants; good
student quality. as well as who offer courses "easily image; prestige.
across disciplinary and sub-discipli-
Faculty and Visiting Professors nary boundaries. Conclusion
SABAH groups at UNEC have a com- In concluding, UNEC is benefiting
pletely different education programme University - business collaboration by being a part of the SABAH project
and curricula specially designed by There is a high level of interest from which has launched a new trend in
benefiting from the best practice of the industry into the SABAH groups Azerbaij an's national higher educa-
globally recognised HEIs like Har- at UNEC. Two commercial banks, tion system. SABAH has positively
vard, Oxford, LSE, and UPenn. Al- one insurance company and the State influenced almost all areas within the
most all classes are taught in English. Committee on Securities have already institution, and particularly enhanced
The faculty and administrative staff is helped establish special laboratories in the national and regional prestige of
centrally selected by the Ministry. The UNEC where SABAH students are in- UNEC. As one of the first fruits, UNEC
faculty is comprised of experienced volved in practical training. Profession- has been recently ranked number one
professors and mainly western-edu- als from those companies try to iden- in Azerbaijan and number 340 in Cen-
cated (US, UK, Canada, etc.) young tify promising employees by delivering tral and Eastern Europe by the "Webo-
faculty from UNEC and other insti- regular seminars in those laboratories. metrics" university rankings. Focusing
tutions. Plus, some economics and In other words, SABAH has helped de- on dynamics relating to the quality of
business-profiled practitioners from velop university - business collabora- an institution's students, we may argue
the industry (private sector, govern- tion which increases UNEC's revenues, that SABAH played a decisive role in
ment, and diplomatic missions) have creates new internship opportunities this achievement. Moreover, UNEC's
been involved in the teaching process. for students, and helps to improve aca- approach is fully supported by the
It is not easy to become an instructor demic curricula. These laboratories, Matthew Effect that considers "prestige
in UNEC due to high academic and where knowledge is created, provide maximization" as a single-valued ob-
the professional requirements based an environment for advanced teaching jective function of HEIs.