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        Turkmen istan I

         to host V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games

                                                                                 15                     N I S T  A N
         AUTHOR: H.E. MR. ATAGELDI HALJANOV                                       4.             shgabat 2017
         Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the
         United Nations Office and other International Organisations at Geneva

         Sport is an effective and flexible instru-  men capital that a number of stadiums  of the organisation of modern sports in-
         ment for the promotion of peace and  were built and put into operation such  frastructures in different countries.
         development. The outcome document  as the Ice Palace, the water sports com-  One of the main purposes of the Asian
         of the United Nations Summit for the  plex, the winter sports complex, the Na-  Games is to increase the authority of
         post-2015 development agenda notes  tional Institute of Sports and Tourism,  Turkmenistan in the international are-
         that sports is an important factor for  as well as many other sports facilities. In  na, and also to popularize sport - and
         sustainable development. The UN rec-  all regions of the country there are doz-  not just elite sport. It also works for
         ognizes the significant contribution of  ens of sports facilities that meet modern  mass physical culture, sport and the
         sports in peace and development, as it  requirements, while schools work in dif-  recreation movement, in which each
         promotes the principles of tolerance and  ferent areas of sports training.   year a growing number of Turkmeni-
         respect, promoting the empowerment  At the same time, national and interna-  stan citizens is involved. In this context,
         of women and youth, as well as health,  tional level events such as tournaments  it should be noted that on the initiative
         education and social integration.   and championships are being organ-  of the head of state, a monthly event
         The year 2017 will be marked for Turk-  ised. All this has created favorable con-  entitled "Health and Happiness" is
         menistan by a major sporting event  ditions for physical culture and sports  held and celebrated in April on World
         - the V Asian Indoors and Martial Arts  along with sporting events. As a result,  Health Day. Its purpose is to popular-
         Games. On December 19, 2010, af-   the number of children and young  ize the country's principles of a healthy
         ter signing in Kuwait a memorandum  people engaged in various sports has  lifestyle, as well as the development of
         between the Olympic Council of Asia  increased many times over.      physical culture and sport in Turkmen-
         and the National Olympic Committee                                   istan. World Health Day is considered
         of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat received  Asian Games                      as a public holiday in Turkmenistan.
         the right to host V Asian Indoor and  In preparation for the Asian Games,  The desire of Turkmenistan to attain
         Martial Arts Games.                extensive work on the transformation  new heights and world achievements
         This OCA decision was evidence of the  of the capital, the construction of ho-  was seen in the construction of the
         country's international prestige and the  tel complexes, shopping and entertain-  Olympic Village in the capital, where
         policy of wide international coopera-  ment venues, commissioning of a new  participants of the V Asian Indoor and
         tion pursued by President Gurbanguly  international airport and several other  Martial Arts Games will fight for med-
         Berdimuhamedov. It is a sign of trust  facilities, is being carried out.   als. Therefore, assigning the status of
         and recognition of the undoubted suc-  Another important component of the  Ashgabat as the capital for the V Asian
         cesses of Turkmenistan in political, so-  development of our country as a sports'  Games is recognition of Turkmenistan
         cio-economic and other areas, and ad-  power is the creation of the necessary  as a country with a highly developed
         herence to the high humanistic ideals  legal framework for the development  sports' infrastructure.
         of the Olympic movement.           of physical culture and sports. It in-
         The right to host complex international  cludes training of athletes and vol-  Prestige of Turkmenistan
         games is gained only by those coun-  unteers and an invitation to work for  The project "Asian Games-2017" will
         tries that have developed a national  foreign experts in the field of sports.  increase the international prestige of
         sports base. Due to the great attention  In particular, only in recent years has  Turkmenistan. Events on such a level
         paid by the President of Turkmenistan  Turkmenistan adopted laws "On Physi-  directly activate the multi-pronged
         to the development of sports, the state  cal Culture and Sport' "On profession-  international partnerships, contribute
         allocates significant investments in the  al sports' "On volunteering" and "On  to the strengthening of friendship and
         construction of modern sports and  the organization and holding of 2017 V  business contacts, establish an atmos-
         recreational complexes. Of particular  Asian Indoor Games and Martial Arts  phere of trust and mutual understand-
         importance is the modernization of  in the city Ashgabat'            ing in the region and the world at large.
         the corresponding infrastructure. This  It should be noted that the sports theme  They also stimulate the development of
         is considered as the basis, not only for  is invariably introduced by President  the national economy, cultural life and
         the development of high performance  Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who  the tourist industry.
         sport, but also for creating conditions  is President of the National Olympic  In September 2017, the Ashgabat Asian
         for sports and mass movement to raise  Committee. He brings it into the agenda  Games will be the largest such games,
         a physically strong generation along  of talks at the highest levels in his pro-  going beyond continental competi-
         with approval in society of principles  gramme of foreign visits. During these  tions. It will be the first time that teams
         of a healthy and active lifestyle.   the head of state allocates time in his  from Asia and also from Oceania will
         It was only in recent years in the Turk-  busy schedule to review the experience  attend. According to the Memorandum

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