Page 29 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 29

resi. ent o ur menistan
                                                                                        asketball court,

          between the Organizing Committee of  be held under the motto: "Health. In-  Asian Games and looks forward re-
          the Asian Games 2017, the OCA and  spiration. Friendship' So, in April 2015  ceiving athletes and sports' enthusiasts.
          the NOCs of Oceania signed in Ashga-  Turkmenistan organised the Interna-  In preparation for the Asian Games, a
          bat in November 2014, the international  tional Sports Media Forum. Then, in  mascot was approved -- Alabai, a Turk-
          competition will be attended by delega-  September there was the meeting of the  men dog breed and a friendly puppy -
          tions from 45 National Olympic Com-  34th General Assembly of the Olympic  depicted in stylised national dress and
          mittees of Asia, as well as the 17 NOCs  Council of Asia. During this, the Presi-  in a tracksuit.
          in Oceania. The 21 types of sports in-  dent of the Olympic Council of Asia  The official brand of the Games, ap-
          clude those incorporated in the Asian  and the Association of National Olym-  proved by the Turkmen president, is
          Games programme at the initiative of  pic Committee Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fa-  a symbolic story about a caravan, for
          President Gurbanguly Berdimuhame-  had Al-Sabah announced the decision  centuries wending its way through the
          dov such as Turkmen National Wres-  of the Association of National Olym-  territory of Turkmenistan. This tour is
          tling known as "goresh' and popular  pic committees to award the Turkmen  depicted in a modern national style,
          types of equestrian sports such as show  leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov  absorbing the features of Turkmen
          jumping, will compete with more than  with a special award for his outstand-  culture and art, and at the same time
          5,500 athletes from 62 countries.   ing contribution to the development of  it presents the present in the country
          Competition will take place at the larg-  the sports movement and cooperation  with the renewed Ashgabat.
          est Olympic Village sites, which have  in this field.                 Decorative techniques used for the
          no comparable venues in Central Asia.  From 19 to 24 September 2016, the  brand's design, based on the motifs of
          Currently, the almost-completed con-  Turkmen capital hosted the Interna-  national patterns and ornaments, as
          struction works include about 30 build-  tional Sports Media Forum, dedicated  well as jewellery, which eloquently re-
          ings. They are prepared for rigorous  to the complex preparations for the V  veal the beauty of the nature and iden-
          competition and also athletes' leisure.  Asian Games. Present were representa-  tity of Turkmenistan's cultural heritage
          In addition technological equipment  tives of the media from 30 countries  in a succinct way. The official brand of
          has been installed providing informa-  who got acquainted with the construc-  the Games also serves as an invitation
          tion and communications' support as  tion of the Olympic Village.     to make a journey along the Great Silk
          well as a games management system  An event dedicated to the 500 days be-  Road as a colourful expression for the
          operated by the Spanish company  fore the start of the Asian Games on 5  world of Turkmen traditions showing
          ATOS, the official IT-partner of the  May 2016 garnered strong attention  its people, its culture, art and modern
          International Olympic Committee. Or-  during which the President of Turkmen-  architecture, demonstrating the crucial
          ganised in in the Olympic Village are a  istan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov,  role of sport and its peacekeeping role
          number of tournaments, including the  together with Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad  in Turkmenistan.
          Asian Sambo Championship, Turkmen  Al-Sabah, President of Olympic Coun-  The Games will provide an impetus for
          national belt goresh fight, jiu-jitsu, bas-  cil of Asia, launched an equestrian path  future major sporting events at the in-
          ketball competitions, tennis, as well as  in honour of the 2017 Asian Games.  ternational level in Ashgabat. The suc-
          track and field athletics. This is proof of  At this event, 17 riders on Akhal-Teke  cess of the Games will strengthen the
          the Olympic Village's readiness to wel-  horses have traversed all regions of the  reputation of Turkmenistan, a country
          come participants.                 country and will finish in the capital on  that can be trusted to hold major in-
                                             the opening day of the V Asian Indoor  ternational sporting events, and will
          'Health, Inspiration, Friendship'   Games and Martial Arts.           provide a strong case for the future
          Much attention was paid to mass cov-  At present, Turkmenistan is nearing  the hosting of major sporting events in
          erage of the V Asian Games, which will  the finish line in preparation for the  Ashgabat.

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