Page 25 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 25


          Frankly, it sounds like a cliché, but  Q:  You have said earlier that this
          it's nevertheless true; I could never  situation in Greece began as early
          have gone through all this without  as in the '70s. Did it start after in-
          my family.                         dependence from the military reign
                                             or even before?
          The fact that my wife is not Greek  Greece has always been a country
          also helped a lot. She allowed us, as a  with weak institutions. It goes back
          family, to have a bit of distance from  to our long history. Having gone
          the daily grind.                   through dictatorship does not help
                                             either, because it destroys the institu-
          It was a very difficult time for all of  tions. As an example, we can quote
          them. The children were teenagers  the judiciary which is supposed to be
          at the time. When I was minister six  independent but is not in fact. Af-
          years ago, my eldest one was 16 years  ter the dictatorship there was a lot of
          old, and the youngest 13, and it was  social progress in Greece, but we did
          definitely not an easy time. The night  not build the institutions that would
          when we signed the first agreement  act as a counterbalance to power.
          there were demonstrations all around  This means that you have a political
          the building. The situation got out  system that uses power to reproduce
          of control, and some anarchists put  itself. It ignores or keeps weak insti-
          a bomb with the terrible result that  tutions that could act as countermin-
          three persons lost their lives.    ing institutions to the politicians.

          When something like this happens,  This system works as long as there is   George Papaconstantinou was
          you go home completely shattered.  money to be distributed. Once the
                                                                                   born in Athens in 1961, and
          You think that you have done what  money runs out, this whole thing
                                                                                   studied economics in the UK
          is your duty, and then the outside  blows up. This is what happened to
                                                                                   and the US, obtaining a Ph.
          environment considers you a traitor  us. Money ran out, and therefore the
          to the country. You have to explain  old political system was no longer   D. from the London School of
          the actions and why you made these  able to sustain itself. It collapsed to-  Economics. After working for
          choices, and even if you know you  gether with the economy.              10 years at the OECD in Paris,
          did the right thing, a lot of people do                                  he returned to Greece to serve
          not see it that way.               Q:  Do you think that the abscess
                                                                                   in a policy advisory capacity
                                             has burst and that things are better
                                                                                   for the Greek government. In
          Q:  Today there is a lot of mistrust  now?
                                                                                   2007, he was elected to the
          of the politicians, and we do not  I would like to believe it, but we are
          honestly often think about the fact  not there yet. There is still a lot of de-  Greek Parliament, and in 2009
          that you are human beings too.     nial in the country. I always tell people   to the European Parliament.
          Well there is a general mistrust, and  that we will get out of the crisis only   In October 2009 he was ap-
          I do not think it's misplaced. In my  when we have figured out why we got   pointed Finance Minister in
          country there have been a lot of self-  into the crisis in the first place.
                                                                                   the newly formed government
          serving politicians in all parties. The
                                                                                   of George Papandreou. From
          problem is that the people who come  Many continue to believe that the
                                                                                   that position he played a key
          up to replace the more established  country was pretty much doing OK,
                                                                                   role in the Greek crisis, nego-
          politicians are not necessarily bet-  and that then some people came and
          ter. At the end of the day, governing  sold us out. They came to take our   tiating the first bailout with
          a country is also craftsmanship. You  resources and buy out the country.   Greece's European partners
          have to combine somehow the fresh-  This is unfortunately a statement    and the IMF.
          ness of people, and the ability to run  with which a majority of people in
          things. I'm not talking about myself  Greece might agree, and you realize
          here, but the fact that often we throw  that they have still not understood
          out the baby with the bathwater.   the problem.
          You want renewal, but at the same
          you want to keep people who can get  The narrative to be found in the ma-
          things done.                       jority of analyses written about the>

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