Page 12 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 12


         Q:  So  what are you doing concretely to increase the  es, and best practices we could make a difference. Con-
         number of girls in the ICT field?                   cretely, we aim to be evidence-based, starting 11  with a
         ITU has been active in this space for a number of years.  baseline of data to enable us to monitor and report every
         One of our main initiatives, spearheaded by the ITU De-  year on how we are doing on to close the divide. We have
         velopment Sector, is Girls in ICT day which has been  done an extensive mapping exercise of related initiatives
         running since 2011. An annual celebration held on the 4th  in an effort to identify best practices as well as gaps. Those
         Thursday of every April, Girls in ICT aims to attract and  gaps would then be filled through collective efforts of the
         encourage girls to take up studies and careers in the ICT  Equals partners.
         sector. The celebration has been held in over 160 coun-
         tries.                                              The September announcement was part of the communi-
                                                             cation and advocacy actions.
         We also have an annual award together with UN Women
         called the Gender Equality Mainstreaming in Technology  We have asked people to take a photo making the Equals
         (GEM-TECH). The Award, running since 2014, recognizes  gesture, tweet it or put it on their Facebook, or Instagram
         outstanding organizational and individual innovations and  with the hashtag #beEquals - Why? Because technology
         achievements in advancing women engagement with ICT.   can be the greatest equalizer we have ever known.

         In September 2016, on the margins of the UN General  The next step for "Equals" is a working meeting during
         Assembly we announced a new initiative together with  ITU Telecom World in November in Bangkok. After that
         UN Women, called EQUALS. Equals is a Global Part-   we will head to the World Economic Forum in Davos,
         nership to ensure gender equality in the digital age, and  Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, and more.
         ensure the achievement of the Sustainable Development
         Goal #5.                                            Q: ITU seems to be lagging behind other UN organiza-
                                                             tions in women at top management positions. Do you
         With the various review processes that took place last year  think this will change?
         from the review of the Beijing Platform Action, and the  Yes, I think we are making progress, slowly but surely.
         10-year review of the World Summit on the Information  Our Secretary-General, Houlin Zhao, is a Geneva Gen-
         Society (WSIS), one factor stood out. The goals linked to  der Champion. It's a great initiative which was started
         women having equal access to technology, having equal  last year by Pamela Hamamoto, the US ambassador and
         opportunities and representation in the work force, and  Michael Möller, UNOG Director-General to advance
         in decision making, etc. had not been met. And the ITU  gender equality through concrete and measurable com-
         stats for 2015 revealed that the gender digital divide was  mitments.
         actually growing.                                   The philosophy is quite simple. In order to become Gen-
                                                             der Champion you have to sign on to a parity panel
         Equals is the result of these reflections, and will tackle 3  pledge. It means putting an end to #manels (panels filled
         main areas: access, skills, and leadership. There is a lot  only with men).
         happening in the ICT space, but we need to be able to
         scale. If everyone were to come together, share experienc-  In addition, the organisation had to make two commit-
                                                                               ments. Our SG is paying attention
                                                                               to women applicants for jobs at
                                                                               ITU. He is also paying attention to
                                                                               the composition of Member State

                                                                               We are also working to raise aware-
                     PNEUSENGROS - TOUSPNEUS S.A.                               ness with our Member States about
                                                                               this issue. We now announce the
                   Votre spéciaListe pneumatique                               delegation with the largest women

               a seuLement 5 minutes des Nations                               delegates, and also the percentage
                                                                                of women delegates. We are also en-
                                         	                                      couraging our members to put for-
                                             Les Grottes
                        Sur rendez-vous
             Véhicule prèt en 30 minutes     31, rue du Fort-Barreau           ward women candidates for leader-
                                         	                                      ship positions in our conferences
                      Partenaire CASBIA      1201 Genève
                                         	                                      and study groups, as well as mod-
                                  Détaxe     Tél. 022 733 18 08
                                                                                erators, and speakers.

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