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                          UNIDO 11

                                                 for a sustainable future
         O YEARS

                                                                                tion that offers a range of analytical,
                                                                                normative, convening and technical
                                                                                cooperation services, as well as in-
                                                                                dustrial policy advice.

                                                                                Today, UNIDO is in full gear and
                                                                                ready to use its vast experience and
                                                                                expertise to assist countries around
                                                                                the world in eradicating poverty and
                                                                                achieving environmental sustain-
                                                                                ability through industrial develop-

                                                                                Over the last 50 years, UNIDO has cre-
          In the course of 2016, we celebrated  sistance package for its Member   ated opportunities for and improved
          the 50th anniversary of the United  States: the Programme for Country   the lives of millions of people, includ-
          Nations Industrial Development  Partnership, a custom-built formula   ing women and young people. Today,
          Organization (UNIDO). This anni-   for each beneficiary country. The first   we have a clear mandate and a direct
          versary provides an opportunity to  such programmes were launched in   responsibility for the achievement of
          reflect on the past and to chart a new  Ethiopia and Senegal, and today a   the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De-
          path for a sustainable future. Today,  Programme for Country Partnership   velopment through inclusive and sus-
          as never before, we are fully commit-  is successfully developing in Peru.   tainable industrialization, as reflected
          ted to the job we started five decades  Other Member States are eager to   in Sustainable Development Goal 9.
          ago: to put an end to poverty once  have the same approach implement-  I am confident that together -- with
          and for all.                       ed in their country.               the continued support of our Member
                                                                                States and donors -- we will realise our
          Looking back, we recall that on 17  Looking forward, we feel confident,   dream of a sustainable future.
          November 1966 UNIDO was estab-     knowing that UNIDO has a proven
          lished as a special organ of the United  track record and a global reputation                  LI YONG
          Nations General Assembly to assist,  as a robust and pertinent organiza-       UNIDO Director General
          promote and accelerate the indus-
          trialization of developing countries,
          with a particular emphasis on man-
          ufacturing. In 1985, the Organiza-
          tion was converted into a specialized
          agency. In 2013, at our fifteenth Gen-
          eral Conference, the Lima Declara-
          tion defined UNIDO's new mission:
          to promote and accelerate inclusive
          and sustainable industrial develop-
          ment in developing countries and
          economies in transition.

          As a first step to realise this approach,
          UNIDO developed a new type of as-

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