Page 10 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 10


         Interview with

         Doreen BogdanmMartin                                                                                          d

         Chief Strategic Planning and Membership Department
         International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

         She is the chief of the strategic plan-  empower, she sees the opportunities  In ITU we have a different or-
         fling and membership department at  rather than the drawbacks. In other  ganizational structure than in the
         ITU. She is the one who oversees all  words, she looks beyond the actual  other UN agencies. We have three
                                                                                        (Radio communications,
         the governance and communications  applications of technology towards  sectors
         functions within the organization.  the positive change that information  Standardization, and Develop-
         So whether it concerns external rela-  and communication technologies  ment) that form the Union. Unlike
         tions with Member States, the United  - or ICTs - can leverage in achieving  other UN organizations all five of
         Nations, the private sector or other  better living conditions for us all.   our highest ranking officials - the
         members of the ITU constituency,  Despite her busy schedule in the of-  Secretary-General, the Deputy
         Ms Bogdan is, one way or another, a  fice and at home managing her four  Secretary-General and the three
         pivotal person at the ITU. She is also  active teenagers, she took time to  directors heading the sectors are
         the Executive Secretary for the UN  meet with us, and to answer all our  elected by the 193 Member States.
         Broadband Commission for Sustain-  questions. So let us leave the floor to  Under these elected officials, we
         able Development, a high-powered  Ms Bogdan.                         have the civil servants, and within
         commission dedicated to bringing                                     this category the highest civil serv-
         the benefits of broadband to all.   Q: Congratulations. How does itfeel to  ant is D2. So I am the first woman
                                            be the highest ranking woman in ITU?   to achieve a D2 positon in ITU.
         Discrete, hardworking and extremely  It's very exciting and extremely chal-  Altogether we are four D2, three
         dedicated to the potential of "tech" to  lenging.                    male colleagues and me.

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