Page 11 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 11


          Q: How did you end up in the ICT  these courses. Today the female share  done some amazing work, studying
          sector?                            studying this discipline is under 20  women's representation in the media.
          When I was in graduate school stud-  per cent in most countries. And that  ( Geena's motto
          ying International Communications  percentage is mirrored when we look  is "if you can see it, you can be it" I
          Policy, one of my professors who was  at the ICT workforce where the aver-  think that is definitely true. The goal
          working at the US Department of  age is around the same, and in many  of the Institute's work is to improve
          Commerce, introduced me to the As-  cases much less. If we look specifical-  gender balance, reduce stereotyping
          sistant Secretary of the National Tel-  ly at App development, the percent-  and create diverse female characters
          ecommunications and Information  age is less than 10% of all apps being  in the media industry. Previous re-
          Administration (NTIA). She offered  created by women. With low per-   search looked in the women's roles in
          me an internship, and that is where  centages of women's representation  films and the latest work dives deep-
          it all began. After 6 months, I was of-  in the sector, in some ways it is not a  er, using an algorithm, into women's
          fered a paid position as a policy ana-  surprise that there are fewer women  speaking time in films, television
          lyst. I had the incredible opportunity  in senior leadership positions in the  shows and other media. Her work
          to have a portfolio covering a diverse  tech space.                   has shown that when women are por-
          range of issues from international                                    trayed in careers/positions in a posi-
          satellite regulation, to telecommuni-  When we look at technology users  tive way, young women may choose
          cations reform in Latin America, and  in some countries, women are bigger  to emulate them by taking studies in
          more. While at NTIA, I covered the                                    those areas. Look at medicine, law,
          work of the ITU Development sector                                    and criminal science for example.
          which then led me to the ITU on a Se-       "It's about
          condment from the US government                                       The second problem, linked to the
          back in 1993. In 1994, I officially      technology to                first problem, is one of social impact,
          joined the ITU Development Bureau                                     or the human dimension. We, the
          responsible for regulatory reform.      advance know-                 tech industry, don't do a great job in
          At that time, our goal was universal                                  selling how technology can really im-
          fixed line connectivity. Only 11% of   ledge, access health           pact positively our lives. It's not about
          the global population was connected,                                  technology for technologies sake. It's
          mobile cellular had reached 1% and    care services, edu-             about technology to advance knowl-
          Internet subscribers 0.3%. The focus                                  edge, access health care services, ed-
          of my work at the time was on mar-    cation, and more."              ucation, and more.
          ket liberalisation (separation of posts
          and telecom, privatization, and the                                   Q: Who would you consider as your
          introduction of competition). We                                      mentor?
          have come a long way since then, but  users of new technologies than men.   My father was my champion and
          connectivity is still not universal.   But globally there are fewer women   my inspiration. He was a Pediatri-
                                             with mobile phones and fewer wom-  cian born to Polish immigrants who
          Q: Do think it's more difficult being a  en with Internet access than men.   dedicated his over 50 year career to
          woman in the IT and high-tech sec-                                    children. He was passionate about
          tor than in other sectors?         Q: The trend speaks for itself. What   medicine, science, and life in the
          Definitely. The tech sector is very male  do you consider as being the reasons   oceans. Being the only daughter with
          dominated. This is a problem that  for these low figures?             3 brothers, my father made sure I
          needs to be tackled on several fronts,  I think the problem is two-fold. On   knew I could be anything I wanted to
          starting with getting more girls inter-  the one hand, it's a perception prob-  be. Nothing in his eyes was "just for
          ested in STEM, and enabling them to  lem. Many women and girls consider   boys' or "just for girls' Working by
          enter the tech workforce.          tech is for men, or tech is for geeks.   his side, as a summer job throughout
                                             There are not enough role models out   high school and college, he taught me
          Q: How do you explain that?        there. This is where the media indus-  how the greatest reward in life was to
          Partially because fewer and fewer  try could be more helpful, by casting   help others. Even though I didn't end
          women are studying technology-re-  more female characters in ICT posi-  up as a medical doctor (something I
          lated disciplines. If we think back to  tions or ICT related jobs.
                                                                                had once dreamed of), I did end up
          when computer science first came                                      in a field where the work that I do,
          out in the 1980s and became a uni-  Geena Davis, is our special envoy, and   and the benefits that technology can
          versity discipline, there was an equal  her organization the Geena Davis In-
                                                                               offer, will help people to have a bet-
          share of both men and women taking  stitute on Gender and the Media, have
                                                                               ter life.

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