Page 6 - DIVA_1_2017
P. 6


         To be honest, I prefer the typical tod-                              to open up, consider a new model
         dlers question, which nearly always                                  based on acquired experience over
         starts with 'why'. You know, they say                                the years.
         things like: 'Why is it morning?' and
         "Why are lions, lions?" and so on. At                                a) Where do you see your company
         least there is honesty in the childish                               in 10 years time?
         questions, in the sense that they just                               b)  What are the prospects of your
         want you to talk more about stuff                                    products / services in terms of evo-
         and they don't care in which direc-                                  lution and development and what
         tion you take your answer because                                    impact is this likely to have on your
         they lack knowledge in all areas and                                 overall market share?
         want an adult to elaborate so they
         can sponge the information.                                          Question (a) is likely to give you a
                                                                              short and fanciful answer based on
         I sometimes play games with friends                                  ambition and desires, while question
         and relatives when they ask lazy                                     (b) is guiding the person to analyse
         questions like: "do you have the right                               the state of his/her business from a
         time?" and "can I interrupt you for a   ring to. The questions that can en-  number of areas such as products,
         minute?" and "can I ask you a ques-  lighten intellectually challenge and   market place and finance. The an-
         tion?" where my answers would be   arrive at new truths.             swer to (b) is likely to be richer in in-
         respectively: 'yes, thank you' and                                    formation and more likely to trigger
         you already have' and 'you just did'. I   Clearly, carefully crafted questions   secondary questions.
         know I am being a smart alec about   can potentially have a sinister pur-
         it but, I just do it to tease them and   pose and maybe designed to trap the   Back to old Socrates, he is credited,
         eventually, they get what they want   subject, which is not the intention   through his most famous student
         out of me.                         here. For example, you can ask some   Plato with the concept of 'Socratic
                                            one the following two questions:   Method which encourages proac-
         In a way, I am contradicting the log-                                 tive discussion through well thought
         ic of the most famous question of all   a) Do you beat your wife up?   out questions that promote critical
         time: To be or not to be, that is the   b) Do you still beat your wife up?   thinking and may well bring out new
         question!                                                             ideas and thoughts.
                                            Assuming that you are a balanced
         In case you don't know it, in Shake-  human being who is not in to do-  So in the future, I urge you to consid-
         speare's Hamlet the hero is musing   mestic violence, by answering 'NO'   er your questions carefully; avoid the
         about whether to live this life (to be)   to the first question, you are in the   closed ones; avoid threatening ques-
         and suffer its problems, or commit   clear. However, the same answer to   tions; invite the subject to think; get
         suicide (or not to be) and go to per-  the second question would only half   them to be excited by the prospect of
         manent sleep. He concludes that in   clear you because you are unwitting-  answering; above all, anticipate pos-
         his eternal sleep he may experience   ly accepting the premise that you   sible answers and work out supple-
         horrible dreams worse than the actual   used to beat your spouse but you   mentary questions.
         experience of living thus, invalidating   stopped at some point.
         the reason for taking his own life.                                   Finally, here is a short quiz to get your
                                            On a more serious note, compare the   logical left-brain go into overdrive:
         The point of my rambling is this: ask-  following sets of similar questions:
         ing a question is occasionally about                                  You walk into a room with two peo-
         gathering information: where is the   a) What changes would you like to   ple in it. One person is a liar who
         nearest police station? Would you   make to your organisation to im-  never tells the truth and the other al-
         like another cup of tea? How many   prove its productivity?           ways tells the truth. You are allowed
         people work in this office? And so   b) If you were to start this business   to ask one of them a single question
         on. But these questions are discov-  all over again, how would you or-  in order to establish who is the liar
         erable by other means and not ones   ganise it?                       and who is the truth teller. What
         I worry too much about. The ques-                                     would your question be and how do
         tions I am talking about are, without   Question (a) is likely to put the per-  you work out who is the liar and who
         trying to be pretentious, are similar   son questioned on the defensive   is not?
         to the questions Socrates was refer-   while question (b) invites him/her               MUFID SUKKAR

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