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GEORGE               SAND   (1804-1876)

                                                                                      vemacular   and  learned   the
              The    famous    Frencli
                                                                                      popular   names   of  wild   ani-
              romantic   novelist   George
                                                                                      mals   and  plants,   which   she
               Sand   stayed   in  Geneva   in
                                                                                      later   put   to  good   use  in  her
              1836.   Despite   haviiig   the
                                                                                      novels.   Her   grandmother
              name   of  a  man,   this   was  a
                                                                                      was   opposedto   religion   and
              lady.  Why   was  it  that  a
                                                                                      Aurore   grew   rip  to  be  very
              woman   wrote   books   iii   the
                                                                                      hostile    to    Catholicism.
              name   of  a  man?
                                                                                      Neveitheless,    as  a  teenager
                                                                                      she   was   educated    at    an
              Apart    from   her  novels,
                                                                                      English-speaking     convent
               George   Sand   is  also  noto-
                                                                                      in   Paris.   Despite   subse-
              rious   for   her   emotional
                                                                                      quently   becoining    one   of
              private   life,   where   an
                                                                                      France's   leading   intellechi-
               astonishing   succession   of
                                                                                      als,  George   Sand   contiiuied
               yormg    and    handsome
                                                                                      to  participate   in  the  rituals
               lovers    succeeded   each
                                                                                      of  the   harvest    season   at
               other,   the  most   famous   of
                                                                                      Nohant   all  her   life.
               whom    were    the    poet
               Alfred    de   Musset,   the
                                                                                      In  December   1821,   when
               writer   Prosper   M6rim6e
                                                                                      she  was  17,  the  graiidmoth-
               and  the  pianist   and  com-
                                                                                      er  died  and  within   a  year
               poser   Fr6d6ric    Chopin.
                                                                                      Arirore   had  mari'ied   Baron
               Although    she  acquired   tlie
                                                                                      Casimir     Dudevant,     an
               popular     image    of    a
                                      not   aproblemrintilAurore's  transcending    social   conven-  uncouth   local   squire.   A  son
       C       pl'OlIliSCuOuS     WOITlan  father   was   killed   in  a  riding  tion:   wealthy   famier   falls   in  called   Maui'ice   was  born   in
               (would   she,  had  she  been   a              love   with   peasant   girl;
       E       man?),   it  is  clear   from   her  accident.    She   was   four     1823.   Her   husband's   ambi-
               novels   tliat   she  craved   h'ue  years   old   when   he  took   out  upper-class   lady   is  attracted  tion   was   to  tiu'n   the  Noliant
                                      his   temperamental     black  to   poor-but-honest    rustic.  estate   into    an   efficient
               love,   stability   and  fidelity.
                                       stallion    on   the   family's  They   are  set  iii   the  bucolic  fariniiig   business   witli   hiin-
               In  fact,  Chopin   did  not  fit
       o       tlie   mould    of  tlie   virile  estate  at  Nohant   for  a  last  counti'yside   of   the  Beriy,   a  self   as  the  rindisprited   mas-
                                       fateful   tide.   There   followed  i'ich   agricultural    area  in  tlie  ter.  She  soon  tired   of   her
      o        young    lover.   since    his  three  years   of  quatrelling  very   centre   of  France.  husband's    coarse  manners
               ardoir   was  diininislied    by
                                       aborit  liow   Aurore   should                  and    the    marriage
               tuberculosis.    George   Sai'id
                                       be  brought   up  between   her  Tluis,   Aurore    Dupin   was  formdered.     During     the
               nursed   her  "dear   skeleton"
                                       underprivileged     mother  brouglit   up  by  her  gra+id-  divorce   process,   she  came
       o       for  eight   years  in  a quasi  Sophie    and    lier    noble  motlier   at  Nohant,   with   its  close   to  losiiig  tlie   estate.  To

               mother/child    relationship
       o                               grandinother.    Was  the  latter  cMteau,    tiny   church    and  console   lierself   slie  staited
               before   the   final    nipture
                                       not   Maiie   Aurore   Dupin   de  surrounding   cottages   deep  writing   and  entered   iiito   a
               resulting    from   a  family
                                       Franceuil,   the  (illegitimate)  in  the  French   counhyside.  series    of    passionate
                                       daughter   of   the  Compte   de  Here,    something     of    a  liaisons.   There   was  a  rather
       ai      She   was   boi'ii   Ainandiiie  Saxe  and  the  (illegitiinate)  "tomboy",    she  was  taught  rinorthodox     neighborir
                                       granddaugliter    of   the  King  to   ride   horses   and   shoot  called    St6pliane     de
      CIO      Aurore    Lucile    Dupin    de  of   Poland?   Finally,    the  game   like   a  man.  Slie  was  Grandsagne   by  whom   she
               Franceuil   in  1804   in  Paris.
                                       grandinother    lfft   on  the  idea  also  involved   in  the  fari'n-  had    a   darighter    called
               As  a  child   she  was  latown
                                       of   paying   Airore's   motlier  iiig   cycle   of  sowing    and  Solange.   Under   the  tenns
               as   Arirore     Dupin.    Her
                                       an  allowance   if   she  worild  reaping,   the  l'iai'vesting   of  of   an  ainicable   agreement
               fatlier,   Maurice,    was   an
                                       only   go  and  live   elsewhere.  fiuit   and   vegetables   and  the  witli   lier   husband,   who   con-
               officer   in  Napoleon's   ai'iny.
                                       Sopliie    accepted    and  care  of   fan'n   aiinals.   Her  tinried   to  nin   the  Noliant
               Maurice   came  from   a  i'icli
                                       retiirned   to  her   native   Paris.  early   education   was  along-  estate,   Arirore   left   for   Paris
               fainily;   her  mother   Sophie
                                                               side   the  peasant   children,   in  in   1831   with    her   latest
               did  not-the   couple   haviiig
                                       Reflecting   the  situation   of  whose   homes   she  listened  lover,   Jules  Sandeari.   She
               been   mai'i'ied   in  secret   tlu'ee
                                       her  parents,   George   Sand's  to  the  local   legends.   In  the  was  27  and  lier  life  now
               weeks    before    Aurore's
                                       stories   are  often   about   love  process   she  picked   up  tlie  took   on  its  h'iie  direction.
               biith.   This   social   gulf   was
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