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                                                    >  more   people       go   with  Visa.


                                                    Apply   Now   for   a  new   UNFCU  VISAo'credit
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           Chances     are   you          With   a  UNFCU   VISA   Credit  Receive   the   recognition    and
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                                                                        860   (Geneva)    to  speak   with   a
                                                                        Member    Service   Representative.

        'Reward   points  drawing  only  appliCableto  those  individuals that  trans!et  balancesham  non-UNR:Ucredit  cams to  a UNFCUVISAcredit  card Minimum  transfer  amountoT5,[00  USDrequiredto  be

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        TO.OOTUSD1a999  USDfor  a  chanceto  wm  30,000reward  pomis Minimum  itansle+ amount greater  than  or  equal to  2€.€0[) USDfor  a  chanceto  win  5[.000  reward  points  "Annual   fee  is  $50  on


        tlie  Platinumcredit card The APRlAnnual PetcemageRate)after  the  first  six 16}billing  cyclesfor  new VISA@Classic(tedit   Camand  VISA@Gold CreditCardaccountsmay vary YourAPR,alter the  first


        Jmee13)b:ll:ng  C7CleSTarVISAPlarinumAC€eSS,ma7Vanl The APRiSdetWminedb7 addinga  margin OT8  65% f[)r VISA ClaSS:C. 85%  TtIFVISA GOldand B65%  VISAPlatinum ttlt   APRiSSubj!CitO

        changebasedon  the  prime  rate  publishedin  tlie Wall  Street  Journal on ihe  last  dayof  the  precedingmonth plus a  margin Creditwoiiliiness  will  determineactual APR Variablerate  is  subjectto  change

        al  anytime  andwithout  notice Upgradesare  not  eligible  Grantingcredit  facilities  is  prohibited in  cettam  lurisdictions  it  it  leadsto  tlie  consumerbecommgover indebted THISDRAWINGIS OPENTO

        PABTICPATINGUNFCUMEMBERSONLYAND NOTTOTHE[iENERALPUBLICAny ant)all  federal.  state  and local  taxes  ate the  sole  tesponsibilily  oktlie  winner  Oddsol  iinmng   a  prizedependupon

        the  numberol  eligible  applications  receivedby  Sponsor All  memberswho  apply  and ate  approvedfor  a UNFCUVISACredit  Cardbetween 15  June  2€(19andT5  August  2009will  be eligible  to  ente+the

        randomdrawing Thewinnerls)  will  be contacied  wnhin  one monih  of  ihe  promoiiondeadline of  15  August  2(119It  a  selectedwinner  is unableio  be ineligible,  fails  to  claim  a  prize.oyfails

        to  retum  the  completedand executedaffidavits  and releases,as  required,or it  the  winning  notification  is  +etumedas undeliverable,an altemate  winner  will  be selected Drawmgdecisionswill  be final

        and  binding in  all  matters  relating  to  the  Promotion Winnerls)  will  be  notified by  mail or  ieleplione  uponcompletionol the  tkawing Acceptanceof  prizeconstiiutes  permissionto  the  sponsorand its

        agenciesto  usewinneils)'  nameand/ot  likenessfor  purposesof disclosure,advenising and trade  without  further  compensation.Employeesof  LINFCII,its  affiliates,  subsidiaries,advertising agencies,

        ilmd  paity vendorsand iheir  immediatefamily  membersand/or ihose  living  in  the  samehouseholdO{each are not  eligible  All  federal,  state  and local laws  and regulaiions apply Byparticipaiing,

        enttants  releaseUNFCU.iis  affiliates.  subsmiaries,adveriismg/promotion agencies,vendors.and the  employees,officers  directors and agemsof  anyat  the  aboveorgamzaiionsTiomanyand all  liability

        for  any injuries, losses,ot  damagesof  any  kind  causedby  participation in this  promotionor  the  acceptance,possessionor  use/misuseoTa  gift  O(  participation in  any  promoiional activities aC2009

        UNFCUand "Ssriing  the  PeoplsWho  Servethe World"  ate  iepisteied  maiks  of  United Nations  FedeialCredit  Union All  nghls  reserved (15/2il09
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