Page 46 - DIVA_3_2009
P. 46
Homeacoa'nang Scot-aand 2009
conti'ibuted to a recurring sense Lang Syne and there will be a
of suicidal despair, and killed From 1786 intil 1788 he was a special stamp issue of "the
Mn just tbirty seven years later. leading figure in Edinburgh Bard" for the 250th anniversaty
He led a hot-blooded life of society. Dui'ing a prolonged stint of his birth.
libert'nage and scandal and his in the capital to get a second edi-
love of the lassies produced tion of his poehy priblished and Homecoming Scotland
poehy, songs and epistles boost his profile, l'ie joined a 2009
brimming with tendei'ness, men-only drinking club and
beauty, anguish and joy. In lffs caine rip with an obscene drm- Robert 'Rab' Bums is celebrated
short life he fathered around a kiitg song whose ribald verse around the world at tlus t'me of
dozen cMdren to at least foir went down a storm w'th its gent- year. In 2009 over 300 events
Known as the Ploughinan poet, different women. lemen members. He also bedded and festivals are taking place
the Bard ofAyrsbire and often in women and wooed many witli across the country to revel in
Scotland as simply "the Bard", Bums stniggled hopelessly with his personalised verse and Scotland's rich crilture and
Scotland's favoiu'ite son was the coinmihnent required by romantic walks around achievements and to honour the
bom during a storm that marriage and tlie pmciple of Holyrood Park. 250th birthday of "the Bard".
parkially collapsed his parents' one hue love. He began coirting
rainshackle Ayrshire fannhouse Jean Armour, his future wife, Robert Bums became the An inspirational prograri'une of
and almost killed the whole wliom he married in 1788, with Scottisli national poet. Poems, events and activities is designed
family. He was tlie eldest of to encourage the extended fa+ni-
whom he had nine children but Chiefly in the Scottish dialect
seven children bom to tenant remaiiied in every sense a ladies' 17861 won him iininediate ly aroiu'id the globe to come
farmers, William and Agnes man. He strode the corintry lanes fame. His poems and songs "home". It aiins to encowage
Bumess. and town squares of his youth range from love lyrics to broad Scots, people of Scottish descent
like a stage. His intelligence, his and those who simply love
Marking is liumble birthplace, flair for music and dancing, his the pei'iod. He collected and Scotland to come "home" to
the thatched cottage in Alloway, fomiidable education and stri- wrote mimerous songs for The Scotland and join in a year-long
Scotland, is now a public king good looks engendered a Scots Musical Museum (1787- celebration of Scotland's culture,
museuin. An iiiscription reads flamboyant personality and dan- 180.31 and Select Scottisli Airs hei'itage and Enlighteiunent.
"Bums Cottage Robert Bums dyisli appearance tempered by a (1793-1818)
the Ayrshire poet was born in masculine earthiness and self- ... Happy BirkhdayRab from all
this cottage on tlie 25th Jan. deprecating wit. In later years his retiin'i to far- of us in gratitude and love ...
A.D. 1759 and died 21st July ining was a faihire and lie took
A.D.1796 age 37 and a half The list is long but some of l'ffs up the drudgery of excise work tktk*
7earS" best lmown poems and songs in Duinfi'ies where he died and
include Tam C)'Shanter, Holy was briried at St. Michael's Ita Marguet
Mllie's Pin)iei: Address To A Kirkyard, Dumfries. Jean
Robert 'Rab' Burns Hagg's , Auld Lang Syne, My Armoir's last son was bom on
Luve is Lilce A Red, Red Rose 25 July 1796, the day of "the Note.' Aclaiowledgement is given
"The Bard" had many claiins to and To A Mouse. Bard's" burial. to all sources used in prepam-
fame not least his poems and old tiori of this text. I attended a
' Scottish songs wliicli he Auld Larig Syne is sung at New Historians, genealogists and concert in Glasgow oi;i 18
' collected. The poet and lyi'icist Year celebrations around the Bums biographers have written Januaiy celebrating"tlie Baid"
was an iiiveterate ladies' man globe while special songs and about the influences on "the at tJieCeltic Connection festival
and liad several affairs. He was poems are recited via the ritual Bards" life andwork. Wews and 2009. This text is dedicated to
a romantic in tlie era of of &u'ns Suppers held in commentag about him still my bmthei; Sean, W/?O died in
Enlightentnent and wrote abott Scotland and elsewhere. Tlie tra- appear and he remains celebra- Glasgow Ol?5 January 2009.
thiiigs close to l'ffs lieart inclu- dition was staited some years ted into the twenty-fu'st centiu'y.
ding his work, his love life and after the Bard's death by a grorip Many organizations around the
tlie comimmity in which he of fi'iends and acquaintances world are named affer Bums as
lived. He began as a fariner and who wanted to lionour his well as a number of statues and
liad otlier jobs before wi'iting. memoiy. &ims Suppers have memorials both at home and
The stiuu'ffig Ayrshire scenery been pait of Scottish cultiire for pbroad. He is commemorated
and romantic coruitiyside of about 200 years. The foimat is with special stamp issues and on
Dunfriessl'iire conh'ibuted to tlie time honoured and its ritual Scottish money notes.
. inspiration of liis best loved includes bagpipe playing, a toast
. work. to the LASSIESarid a recital of In 2009 lie will be specially
Burns famous poem To A lionorired in Scotland and else-
Growing up in i'iiral Ayrsliire, he Haggis. wl'iere. The Royal Mint will
suffered from an rmtreatable issue a commemorative money
rlieumatic condition that Scottish national poet coiii featiiring a qriote of Auld
44 3 2009 Diva