Page 50 - DIVA_3_2009
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AMBASSADRESS:                          Losing   a  few   feathers

              09.00   and   I'm   careeririg  distributes     tlie   guide   book  trained   heads   swivelling    to  bly    have   been   written    by
              down   the   stairs    tmee    at  a  (laboriously    written   by  for-  left   and  right.   Not   a  hat  in  Gei'mans?   I  appreciate    that   it
              time,   late  as   risual,   i'essed  mer    ambassadors    seeking  sight.   Black   sunglasses   will  is   on   occasion    easier   to
              from   head   to  toe  in  fiuyereal  their   place   in  the  annals   of  be   worn   instead,   this  year.  rhyme    a    verb    than   otl'ier
              black.   Beliatted    and  beglo-  literature),    knocks   them   sen-  This   being   suriunertime,    tlie  fonns   of   speech,   but   coinci-
              ved.    Hat    shedding     fake  seless   with   dates   and   useless  Italians    all   resplendent     in  dental    is   this   not?   "He
              ostrich   feathers   all  the  way  anecdotes,   then   sends   them  white.   Feel   like   a   moulting  Maketh   me  down   to  Lie"   is
              to  tlie   ground   floor.   Beagle  off   with   a  warm   glow   occa-  crow.  not   tl'ie  smoothest   syntax   in
              in  liot   prirsuit-since    when  sioned   by  the  consumption        the  book.   Nor,   for   that   mat-
              are  beagles   supposed   to  hunt  of  a  large   glass   of  something  The   problem    about   sitting   in  ter,  does   "Tlie   King   of  Love
              ostriches?    In  this   day   and  and   a    selection    of  cook's  the  front   row   is  that   rinless  my   Shepherd   Is"  trip   parti-
              age  of   aniinal   and  political  delicacies.  you    have    a   particularly  cularly   lightly   off   the  ton-
              correctness,    I    suppose   the              rmderstanding    priest   or  par-  gue.
              genes   have   had  to  adapt   to  09.02.   Suitably    restrained  son  person   you   cannot   rely
              anything   they   can  get.  Even  stniles   (I  am  on  my   way   to  a  on  the   inevitable    little   odd  With   such  profound    reflec-
              dead   (and   fake)   osti'iches.  funeral,    after    all)    exchan-  lady   singing   falsetto   in  front  tions   did   I  engage   my   mind
              09.01   and   I    slam   straiglit  ged,   I  hit   the  front   door   and  of   you   wlio   always   knows  during   what   little   remained
              into   a  group   of  visitors   from  huttle   off   to  the  first   funeral  exactly   when   to  stand,   sit  or  of  tlie   sei'vice.
              sotne   Fine   Arts   and  Cultural  of  the  week.    Must   be   tl'ie  kneel.   It  is  rather   like   being
              Aspirations    Society   passing  global   wanniiig.    Falling   off  in  tlie  front   row   of   a   new  Back   liome   and   Beagle   was
              througli   Europe   and   011  tbeir  their   perches   in   all   direc-  Step  class   at  the  gym   when  lurking    guiltily    under   a  table
              way   to   St  Petersburg   with  tions.        you   can  only   hope   and   pray  with    black    featliers    sprori-
              just   time   for  a  brief   detour            that   all   eyes   are   on   the  ting   from   between   her  front
              tin:ough   tny   sitting   room   to  09.48.5.   Did   not   make   it  to  instructor    and   nobody    is  teeth.    By   tlie   end   of  the
              adtnire   the   objets-d'art.  the   churcli    on   time   and,  noticing    wl'iat   a   cock   up  you  moxitli   the  faitMil    black   liat
                                      worse,    was   encoriraged    to  are  making   of   the  procee-  will   be  plucked   and  ready
              On  these  occasions,    guests  take   rip  my   rightful    place   in  dings.   Pretty    forlorn    hope  for   tlie   pot!
              are  consigned    to  the  expeit  the  front   row   regardless   of  when   you    are    cowering
              care   of   an   administrative  detertnined     protestations.  beneatli    a  quivering    plume
              officer    wlio   lias   perfected  Longest   aisle   of   any   it  lias  of  ostrich   featliers.   And   ano-
              his   technique    over   many  been   my   privilege    to  clack  ther   thing.   Has   anybody   out
              years    of    handling     the  resoundingly    up   or   down  there   considered    whether   all
              cut'ioris   or  obstreperoris.    He  within   dying   memory.    Un-  our   liyinns   miglit   conceiva-
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