Page 13 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
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many   coruiti'ies   on   tlie  conti-
                                       that  is  goitxg  to  create  wealth           and problems   we  will   work  on
               nent  are  now   back   to  tl'ie  sugar  iii   orir  coruitries.  If  yori  100k  at tlie   liistoty   of  the  togetlier   and  we  will   find   inte-
               industiy    -  altliorigli    some             iiistitution,    it  )ias  been  tl'u'ough  gi'ated  solutions.
               otliers   are  suffering    badly  Q:  When   you  say   "with   a  its  ups  and  its   downs.  It  has
               frown   tlie  pliasiiig   out  of   the  different   eye ",   do  you   mean,  clianged  tlie  way   it has  respon-  Obviously,we   are  aware  that
               EU   quota   system   -  IIOW   could  for    example,     "added  ded  to  clients   based   Oil   the  cir-  tliere   are  risks  associated   with
               tlffs  "old"product    be   transfor-  values"?  cumstances   in  wliich   it  fouid  sucli   a  policy,   but  there  are
               med  in  a  "modein"   one?                    itself.   My  predecessor  brouglit  always   gi'eater  i'isks   if  you
                                       "Added   vahies,   researcli   attd  tliis   institution   orit  of  a  shtmp.  l'iave  more   iiitegrated   approa-
               Before   tlie  begiiuffng   of  tliis  development.    Altliougb    the  He  did  a   magiffficent   job  in  clies.  But   we  liave   seen  suc-
               intei'view   we  liave  been  tal-
                                       sugar-cane   iiidushy   lias  been  obtaining   tlie   confidence    of  cesses   in   inany   places  in   the
               king   infoi'i'nally    aborit   the  widely   shidied,   we  can   say,  people   wt'+o  supported    this  east  wl'iere   we  lia've  had  these
               sugar  cane  indushy   as  oppo-  wlio   lias  actually   iinplemented  instihition.    He   did   that  by  integrated    programmes.We
               sed to  the  sugar   industiy.   So,  if  as'iy   of  tliese  recominendations  creating   tlie  global   products  can    actually    demonstrate
               we  move   orir  minds   to   tlie  tl'iat we  liave   liad   iii   front   of  us  tliat   you   have  mentioned.   My  results.   tl'ie  I  believe   it  is  time
               poiiit   of  tliii'ilcing   aborit  the  for  tlie  last   100   years?  We  challenge   will  be  to  take  those  to  talce  these  prograi'tunes   mto
               muneroris   aspects   of  srigar  liave   to  take  liold   of  tlie   tliings  global   prodricts   acid   iiitegrate  Afiica.   It's  time   to  find   some
               cane   vis-A-vis   sugar,   tlien  i  we  laiow,   that  liave   been  sit-  tliem   ii'ito  solutio+is  tliat  can  countries   tliere   tliat   will   be  our
               believe   tliat  we  are   now  tal-  ting   on  slielves,   and  transfonn  really   liave   major   impacts   on  paitners   ii'i  tlie  same  way  as
               kiiig   aborit  luige   oppoitunities.  tlieiri   into  realities.   Tlffs   is  the  people's   economies.  corinh'ies   in  the  east   are.   As
               At   tlie  same  time   we  can  say  cliallenge:                      yori   IGIOW   tlie  big   cliallenge   of
               tliat  viability   clianges   as   we          I  tliiiflc   tliat   wl'iat   lie  was  able  tliis  world   is  Africa   and   tbe
               are  no   more   tallcing   aborit  Q:  Your   predecessor   tn  tbis  to  achieve   was  to  create  some  maiii   resorirces   of  tlffs  iitstitu-
               1110110-   focus,   but  aborit   tnulti-  post  also  had  some  challen-  tools  and   sei'vices.  What   he  tion   need  to  be  directed   there!
               ple  focusses.          ges-South/South    trade,   e-  didn't    do,   liowever,    was    to
                                       commerce,   tlie  reduction   of  iiitegi'ate   tliose   tools   acid  set'vi-  JEAN-PAUL    HOAREAU    DE
               Tl'ffls   is   the  way  we  need  to  poverty   in  Africa   and  other  ces  into  products   that   sol've  MONTROSE
               look   at  evei'y  coininodity,   not  developing     countries  people's   problems.   Tlus  will
               siinply   sugar.  We  need   to  look  tlirough    trade.   I  am  convin-  be my   cliallenge   and my   diffe-
               at   tlie  cotton   indush'y   iii  tlie  ced   that   you  will   do  your  rentiation:   we  will   100k  at  a
               same  way,  but  also  at  coffee,  best    to    reinforce     these  counti'y,   we  will   be   a  pattner
               bananas   and  all  tl'ie  otlier   COIII-  efforts.   But    what   will    be  of  tliat   counhy,   we  will   deter-
               modities.   Tliis   is  tlie  process  )tour  "added   value"  ?  inine   wliicli   one  of   tlie  issues

                    Around    a  language    in  80  hours    Le  tour   d'une   langue   en  80  heures

                              +  33   languages                            +  33  langues

                 Personalized    programs    from   I  to  20   lessons  a   week  Programmes  personnalis6s  de  1   a  20   legons
                        for   adults   a  young   people   a  children  par   semaine    pour  adultes  a  adolescents   a  enfants   ,
                        Special    programs    for  organisations  Programmes    speciaux  pour  organisations    'o
                  Intensive    summer    courses    from  1  to  10  weeks  Stages    intensifs   d'6t6  de  4  a  10  semaines    a,
                     Secretarial    Diploma    a Computer studies  Dipl6me    de   secretariat  a  d'assistant(e)   de   direction   ,'

                         Accelerated    programs    in  3  months  informatique    a   formations  acc616rees   en  3  mois   3
                    Computer    programs    in  151essons    for  seniors  Informatique    en  1 5h  pour  seniors    oc
                      Tailor   made   programs    for   gifted  children  Programmes  et stages  pour  enfants  surdou6s    @

                                                                Horaires    A  la  carte  de  7h  A  22h  *   7  jours   sur 7

                                                                      Premier    cours   sans   engagement

                                                                                                   2  2007   Diva  11

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