Page 12 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 12

business   coinimuiity    and  govei'n-
                               ments   in   a  paiticrilar    way.   hi   ti'uth  I    also   want   to
                               and  ii'i   fact,   we  want   to  build   tlie  mention   tl'iat  iii
                               same   sets  of   competences-but  tlie    Caribbean
                               tlie   way   iii   wlucli   yori   will   stiuctu-  tliere   is  a  regio-
                               re  and  enable   it  will   depend   ripon  nal   negotiating
                               a  given   culttire.        madiinei'y    tliat
                                                           lias   been   crea-
                               Q:    When     we    }ook    at    the  ted  to  100k   at  a
                               African,    Caribbean    and   Pacific  solution     for
                               (ACP)   Group   of   states-seven-  tliese    really
                               ty-nine     members     of    ivhich  sn'iall   island   sta-
                               forty-seven    are  African     coun-  tes-coruih'ies
                               tries-we    don't    hear   inucli  witli   veiy   liini-
                               about    Caribbean    and   Pacific  ted   capacity   and
                               issues.   Do   you   have   in  ITC   a  dif-  ves-y    limited
                               ferent   strategy    for   these   other  lirrman   resour-
                               member    states?           ces-enablii'ig
                                                           tliem   to  respoi'id
                               Yes,   we   do  liave   prograini'nes    for  to  all  tl'ie  major
                               tliese   parts   of  tlie   world.   However,  n e g o t iati   0 11  S
                                                                                     people   iii   the  coruihy?   This   is  tlie
                               we   don't   divide   tlie  world    into  tliat   are  taliig    place.   I  tlffnk   it  is  a
                                                                                     most   critical   thing!
                               ACP   or   non-ACP    states.  We   have  veiy   iiiterestiiig    model   tliat   corild
                               a  Latiii   Ainei'ican    and  Caiibbean  be   replicated    in   many   otlier
                               region,   Afi'ica   (excludiitg    Noith  regions   wliere   lirunan   resorirces  Yet,   wlien    yori   are   faced    witli
                                                                                     liaving   to  just   lceep  tlie   fires   bur-
                               Afi'ica    and   Djibouti    wlffcli   are  are  limited-)ut    witli   tlie  laio-
                                                                                     niiig,   yori   don't   liave   IIIIICII   oppor-
                               pait   of   tlie   Arab   grorip   of   states),  wledge   base-so    as  to  lielp   corin-
                                                                                     tiuiity   to  tliii'ilc   aborit   tlie   funire   in
                               tlie  Centi'al   and  &iropean    states,  h'ies  inove   their   negotiations    for-
                                                                                     a  reflective    way.   I  am  conviiiced
                               plus   Asia   and   tlie   Pacific.   Tliat   is  ward.
                                                                                     tliat   ITC   lias  tlie  means   aiid  tlie
                               liow   ITC   divides   rip  its  coruihies.
                                                                                     capability    for   tlie   lciitd   of  dialogue
                                                           Q:  How   can   ITC   be  involved    in
                                                                                     allowing    tliese   reflections    to  talce
                               It   is  very   important    for   us  to  take  giving   a  real   new   boost   to  these
                                                                                     place.   We  can  lielp   tliem   to  exa-
                               into   considetation    the  experience  agreements?
                                                                                     n'iine  soine   opportunities    and  to
                               of   the   ACP-a    well   established
                                                                                     plan   liow   tl'iey   can  take   advantage
                               political    grouping-and    utilize  The   big   cl'iallei'ige   is  to  detei'i'i'ii+ie
                                                                                     of   tlie   EPAs.   In  my   view,   tliis   is
                               the   relationships    that   we   have  what    we   actually    want    orit   of
                                                                                     tlie   inissing   piece.
                               with   them   in   order   to  look   at  the  tliese   EPAs   ai'id   liow   tliey   are
                               common    issues   in  the   ACP,   such  going   to   lielp   us   acl'iieve   our
                                                                                     Indeed,   tliere   is  a  fair   ainoruit   of
                               as,  for   instance,   the   Economic  national   goals?
                                                                                     analysis   talang   place   but   there   is
                               Partnership    Agreements    (EPAs)
                                                                                     not  tliat  IIIIICII   vision.   Tliey   are  not
                               as  they   ciurently    stand.  One   of   tlie   probleins   we  face  in

                                                                                     moving   foi'ward   and  tliat   is tlie
                                                           the  developing    world   is  tlie  lack
                                                                                     big   cliallenge.    Tlie   question    is
                               We  nuist   not   forget   tliat   all  ACP  of   capacity   to  rmderstand   wliat   is
                                                                                     liow   can  I  take   tlie  t'islc  to  move
                               corintiies    are  cu'rently    veiy   focu-  liappening   iii   our  counh'ies   and
                                                                                     foi'ward   011   an  rmcliaited    course
                               sed  on  EPAs.   So  we,   at  ITC,   liave  wliere   tlie   real   oppoihuiities    are!
                                                                                     and  talce  my   cormhy   witli   me   ?
                               to  100k   at  wliat   is  our   response   to  Politics   is  actually   domiiiated    by
                 0             tlie   issues   tliat   ACP   is  faciiig,   and  traditional    sectors   wlio   liave   well-  In  fact,   we   liave   been   able   to  do
                               liow   can  we  acnially   find   solu-  developed   macliiiieiy    to  keep   the
                                                                                     tliis   +nore  in  tlie  least-developed
                               tions.   We   tlien   tiy   to  find   out   wlio  statiis   qrio   in  place.
                                                                                     corinh'ies   ofAsia.   Now   we   liave  to
                               are   tl'ie   coini'non    paiti'iers.   For
                                                                                     find   a  way   to  inake   it  more   suc-
                               instai'ice,   in  the   Cai'ibbeaii    and  tlie  We  all   IGIOW  tliat   new   industries   -
                                                                                     cessfiil   in  Afi'ica.   I  can  say  tliat   I
                               Pacific-where    yori   liave   many  -  "su+isliine   iiidrish'ies"    as  opposed
                                                                                     ain  veiy   coi'i'unitted   to  h'ying   to
                               COITIIIIOII    problems   like   tliose   of  to  "sunset   iiidush'ies"-are    tlie
                                                                                     find   ways    in  wl'iicli   we  can  be
                               small   island   states-it    is  a fact  fiitiire   for   orir   people.   However,

                                                                                     inore   transfonnational    iii  Afi'ican
                               tliat   botli   tlie   European    Union  because   of  tlie   status   qrio,   we
                                                                                     coruih'ies.   I  am   going   to  inake   tliis
                               (EU)   and   tlie   Coinmonwealtli  doi'i't   liave   a  real   voice.   I  tliii*    that
                                                                                     one of  main IIIY  cliallenges  liere at
                               Secretariat   are  iinpoitant    players  ITC's   role   liere   is  to  lielp   people
                               and   potential    partners    lielping  understand   a certain   mnnber   of

                               ITC   solve   some   of   tlie   in'ipoitant  important    points:   wliat    are   tl'ie
                                                                                     Q:  Lets   insist   on  tliese   "old   "  pro-
                               lSSlleS.                    tra+isfoi'ination    eleinents   tliat   one
                                                                                     ducts    to    be    transfoi'ined     in
                                                           can   derive    froin    tlie   economy?
                                                                                     "modern    "  ones.   Sugar   corild   be  a
                               InAfrica-where    the   majority    of  Where   are  tliose   new   opporUuii-
                                                                                     good    exa+nple.   In   many    ACP
                               ACP   states   is  found-we    have   a  ties?   How   to  transfonn    sometliing
                                                                                     countries,   in  Afi'ica   or  elsewliere,
                               much   wider    scope  in  temis    of  tl'iat's   old   into   sometliing    new,   tliat
                                                                                     srigar   was  somewliat   "  abandoi'i-
                               parhership    with   the  people   who  can  really   lift   tlie   liveliliood    of  tlie
                                                                                     ned   "   by   producers.    However
                               are  interested    in   finding   solutions
                               to  the   ACP   issues.
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