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throrigli    a  veiy   compreliensive  States,  Asia   and  tlie  Pacific,  compete   for   globalization.  ferei'it   models.   I    don't   tliinlc
              evaluation    repoit   of   ITC -a  Europe   and   tlie   CIS,   Latin  there   is  a  "one-size-fits-all    ".  I
              repoit   wliicli   was   financed   by  Airiei'ica    and  tlie   Caribbean    -  Indeed,   regional   iiitegration    is  believe   tliat   we  liave   to  find
              a    gi'oup   of  donors   led   by  and  tlie  difficult    situations   iii  not   sometliing    easy   to   sell  tlie   best   way   and   the  best   solu-
              Deiunark-and    from   a  sei'ies  tlie   vai'ioris   nations,   accordiiig  politically.    Yet,   wlien   you   loolc  tion   for   eacli   one  of  tlie   coui-
              of  reconunendations    made   by  to  tlieir   level   of   development.  at  liow   to  build   capacity   and  hies   wliere   ITC   is  worlang.
              tlie   Joint    Advisoiy    Grorip  Slie   worild    eqrially   lilce   tlie  get  a footliold    iii   a specific

              (JAG).    Ms   Francis   and   l'ier  agency   to  be  innovative    and  market,   tlie   only   way   to  do  it  is  Yori   can  ah'eady   see  tliat   tl'iere
              team    also    created    an  customer    focused    so  as  to  to  spread   one's   wiitgs.   I  tliink  are  claslies,   for   iiistance,   bet-
              Intei'iiational     Trade    Centre  liave   a  substantial   demonstra-  tliat   tlie  best  way   to   spread  ween   Francoplione    conditions
              Prograinine    Document    for   tlie  tion   effect.  yoru'   wings   is  to  do  it  iii   places  as  opposed   to  Angloplione    ti'a-
              pei'iod   2007-2009.                            wliere   you   feel   coinfoitable,  ditions.   So  my   qriestion   is:
                                      Q:    As    the    new    ITC  wliere   you   understand     tlie  liow   do  we   fii'id  synergy?   I
              "This   Progi'ainine    Docuinent  Executive    Director    you   will  market-ai'id    wliere   tlie   mar-  tliink    tliat   the   patli   of  least
              consolidates    all  tlie  activities  certainly    want   to   reinforce  ket   similar    to   tlie   one   you  resistance   is  probably    tlie   most
              ITC   plans   to  do,  creatii'ig   five  what   has  been  done   in  the  IGIOW-and    wliere   yori   can  successful    way    because   the
              cliapters    wlffcli    100k   at   tlie  recent   past.   Indeed,   some   of  )uild   and  develop   successfiil  goal   is  wliat   yori   liave   to  set
              various    regions    tliat    we   are  ITC's     products     -  synergies.  yorir   inind   011!
              reacting   witli,   and  gives   to  orir  South/South    trade   or   e-com-
              stalceliolders    a  complete   over-  rnerce,   for    exainple-are  Regionalization    is  a  plienome-  I  ain  not   always   con'unitted    to
              view   of  tliese   activities    ali-  doing   quite   well.    However,  no+i  whicli   I  believe   we   cannot  acliieve   a goal   by  tlie  same

              gned   witli   potential   results   and  will    you   comment     on   the  ignore,   and   whicli   we  liave   to  means.   I  believe   tliat   "custo-
              l'eSOurCe    l'equirelllentS"  process   of   regional   tntegra-  encorirage   so  as  to  construct  mization"    is  veiy   impoitant.    In
              contiiuied    Ms   Frai'icis.  tion,   whicli    has  been   quite  solid   iiistitutions    and  empower  otlier   words,   wliat   i'niglit   be
                                      succesfu}   ? In  other   words  tlie   people   in   tl'ie   regions  good   for   Mairitiris    or  for   tlie

              "At   ITC   we  believe   tliat   we  how   do  you   see  the   future   of  concemed.  Cai'ibbean   is  ceitaiiny    going   to
              will   liave   a  greater   impact   if  regionalization?               be   different    for   soine   otlier
              we  look   at  tliings   oi'i  a  regio-        Q:  How   do  you   implement  paits   in  Africa.   It  is  tlie  same
              t'ial,  sub-regional    and  national  Even   tliorigl'i   it   lias   its   big  "capacity-building"?     How  for   Noitli   Afi'ica.   If   I  loolc  at
              basis,   keepiiig   in  mind   tliat   we  cliallenges,    I    tliiiik    regional  do  you  proceed   in  a  world  tl'ie  Meditei'ranean    coui'itries   -
              will   benefit   froin   tlie   paitners-  iiitegration    is  going   to  be  criti-  where    trade    is    global,    but  wl'iicli   clearly   liave   different
              hip   of  key   iiistitutions    to  boost  cal  for   tlie  sru'vival   of   small  where   the   WTO   is  currently  cultiires-I    will   not   find   preci-
              orir   worlc   iii   tlie   field   ",  added  economies-in    otlier   tenns,  facing   difficulties    to  imple-  sely   tlie   same   solutions    as
              Ms   Francis.           ci'itical,   not   only   for   giants   like  ment   the   Doha   Round?   Do  tl'iose   existiitg    in   Ce+ih'al   or
                                      Brazil,   Cliina   or  India,   but   for  you   see  "capacity-building"  Soutliem    Afi'ica.
              To  put   it  in  a  nutshell,   Mrs  all   tlie   econoinies     of   tlie  in  tlie   same   way   wlien   you
              Francis   would   like   the   ITC   to  developing    world.    In   tliese  deal    with    Eastern     and  Tlie   essence   of   wliat   we  are
              have   a  dynatnic   dialogue   with  counh'ies,   regional   iiitegration  Western   Africa,     Southern  hying   to  build   is,  on  one  side,

              the  member   states   so  as to  lias   to   be   a +neans   throrigli  Africa,    the   Caribbean    or   in  tlie   intellectual    capacity   to  be

              understand    both   the  different  wliicli    tlie  private   sector   will  the   Pacific?  able   to  analyse   and   rmderstand
              critical   issues   in  each   one  of  be  able   to  create   tlie   adeqriate  tlie   oppoitunities.    On   the  otlier
              the   five   regions   -  Africa,    Arab  economies   of   scale  and  tluis  Obviorisly,    tliere   rmist   be  dif-  we   liave   to  be  able   to  guide   tlie

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