Page 7 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 7
making it more effective Q: Sit; you have been in The project, beii'ig a big step throrigli tlie Diplomatic
and able to exercise sti'ict your position since 2004. in modeniization of tlie Academy, wliich celebrates
control over tlie decisions it Wliat would you consider transpoitation iiifrash'iictiire its first biithday tliese days.
lias adopted. Expemple of from a personal point of in the framework of tlie So, average age orir diplo-
tliat can be four '[JN view the issues that have Histoi'ic Silk Road ruiitiiig mats is inid 30s and I am
Secu'ity Cormcil resolutions given you most satisfac- paiticipating corinh-ies, will among the old-tiiners at 46.
(822, 853, 874, 884) adop- tion? create oppoitiuiities for tlie Yes anotlier tliiiig aborit orir
ted in 1993, demanding fuitlier development of tlie yormg diplomats is tliat
iini'nediate witlidrawal of Satisfaction is not the word I Erirope-C aric asus-Asia almost 40 percent of tliem
the neigliboring Ax-inenia's like to play witli. I don't transpoit coi'i-idor. are ladies.
occupational forces from believe tliat tliere will be a
tlie Azerbaijani ten'itories. moment wlien I feel satis- Q: From what I liave obs- Q: Finally, where would
{JN Secririty Cormcil fied as far as foreigii policy erved, your diplomats are you like to see your coun-
Pennanent Five is still is concei'iied, for veiy sim- young, enthusiastic and ti7 in 15 years from now?
negligent in forcing ple reason: satisfaction dynamic. What is the ave-
Aimenia to implement these comes witl'i complete elimi- rage age and do you have As a full-fledged Eriropean
resotutions, nation of problems, wlffcli is "old ones at all"? fainily member, witli its citi-
most of tlie tiine, ii'iipossibly zens content at liappy at
Political, economic activi- liard to acliieve. LOOk at it Don't forget tliat orir diplo- home, witli econon'iic pro-
ties of intei'iiational organi- tliis way, as soon as yori deal macy is also yormg. We res- sperity and political stabili-
zations and tlieir effoits on witli one issue, tlie globali- tored orir iiidependence iii ty, and witli full resolution
liuman riglits and good zed world presents yori with 1991 an tliere was no scliool of Annenia-Azerbaijan
govei'iiance splieres make it anotlier one, eqrially deser- of iiitei'iiational relations iii coi'iflict ripon tlie tei'i'itorial
impossible to solve iiitei-iia- ving yorir attention, Brit Azerbaijan. Tlie only two iittegrity of Azerbaijan.
tional issues bilaterally there were several sricces- Foreign Sei'vice institutioi'is
witliorit involvement of ses, and I will state a coriple existed in Soviet Union
tliese organizations. At tlie of tliem. Inariguration of were iii Moscow and Kyiv -
same tiine, multilateralism Baku-Tbilisi-Ceylian oil I am among tliose wl'io gra-
can not effectively fiutction pipeline, tlie transpoit rorite driated from Kyiv Institute
witliout eqriilibrirun of bila- for tlie Caspian oil to tlie of Iiitei'national Relations-
teral relations. Tlierefore I Western markets, was a and veiy few Azerbaijanis
believe that it would be huge adiievement for were adi'iiitted to tliese
more coi'rect to say tliat it is Azerbaijan and was a scliools. Tlierefore, we did
a junctiire of multilateralism culmination point for tlie not liave tliat i'icli diploma-
and bilateralism, wliicli decade of effoits we tic cadre and we had to traiii
definite and will define applied. Recently launclied new diplomats after regai-
iiitemational relations in a Balai-Tbilisi-Kars railroad niiig independence. Tlffs is
foreseeable fiitiire. is anotlier one to mention. exactly wliat we are doing
2 2007 Diva 5