Page 4 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 4

a             Editorial

                                   True   humanitarians

               Recently,   I  attended   a Conference    on Disaster  Management,    which   included    a "simu-
               lation"   of   an  eaithqriake.    This   was  an  iinpressive    event   where   the   earth   trembled,
               buildings   collapsed,   cars  carigl'it   fire,   buildings    blaziiig   all  over-no    Hollywood
               act'on   fih'n   corild   liave   done   it  better.   It  was  quite   a  fi'ighteniiig    expei'ience   as  you
               suddenly   realize   that   yori   are  not   eqriipped   to  face   this   lid    of  situation.

               All   of  a  sudden,   rescuers   of  all   liids-the    fire   brigade,   dog   teams,   first-aid    teams   -
               -  were   searchiiig    for   su'vivors;    helicopters    were   flying   in;  ainbulances    were   di'iving
               back   and  forth   evacuating    the   worinded.    Radio   teams   were   sending   out   messages:   insttuctions    for   the  local   poprilation    and
               reqriests   for   aid.

               Altogether,    it  was   an  impressive    event,   and   it  opened   our   eyes   to  a profession    that   we   take   for   granted-the    rescuers.   There
               exists   a  multihide    of  them-some    are  specialized    in  searching    for   people   wlio   have   been  briried-a    dangerous   task;   others
               locate   the  sirvivors    and   provide   shelter   and   first   aid.

               These   men   and   women   are  not   always   those   yori   see  in  the   news.   Aslced   wliy   tliey   are  willing    to  i'isk   their   lives   to  help
               otliers,   one   of  them   said:  "I   only   hope   that   if  somethiiig    happens   in   my   counhy   that   people   will   come   to  lielp   us".
               'Tm   from   SouthAfrica,"    he  continried,    "aiid   despite  the   fact   that  I'm  Jewish,   most   of  our   operations    liave   been   iiiArab    coun-
               hies-this    has  never  been   a problem.    We   do  not   do  politics,    we   are  there   to  lielp.   We   are  litunanitai'ians,    but  we   do  not   want
               to  belong   to  tlie   hrurianitai'ian    aid  business-that's    the   big   difference.    Yori   cannot   iinagine    the  joy   and   satisfaction   when  you
               find   a  person   alive,   and   tliat   yori   liave   managed   to  get   them   out.   We   inight   never   see  this   person   again,   but   at  least   we   have
               saved   a  life-that    is  a  satisfaction    in  itself."

               "I   consider   that   everybody    lias   the   same   riglit   to  be  helped,   and  we   do  not   adhere   to  politics.   WIIO   are  they   to  tell   ris  who   to
               help   and   not   to  help-hrunan    beings   are  the  same   eveiywliere,    no  matter   what   religion,    race   and   background.    We   are  all
               the  same."

               So,  on  behalf   of  ris  all,  I  worild   like   to  say  a lnige   thank-you    to  all  those   rescuers.   Next   tii'ne   sometlig    happens   I  will   defi-
               nitely   thinlc   about   these   men   and   women   leaviiig   their   fainilies    belid    and   travelliiig    to  far   away   places   to  aSSiSt  others   iii
               need.   If  there   were   more   people   with   this   attitude,   perhaps   our   world   would   be  a  better   place   to  live.

                "I havelong sii'ice   cometo  believetl'iat people neverineanhalf  of  what theysay,and that it is  bestto  disregard their  taljc

                                                  and  judge   only   their   actions."
                                             Domth)iDay,    TheLongLoneliness,    1952
                                                US writer &  reforiner  (1897-1980)
                                                      Have   a  lovely   day
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