Page 3 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 3


              "Diva    International

                 4   Interview   with
                     Elmar   Maharram    oglu   Mammadyarov,
                     Minister   of  Foreign   Affairs,   Republic   of Azerbaijan
                 6   Shashi     Tharoor    :
                     Reflections    on  a  changing    United   Nations
                 8   Patricia    Francis    :
                      "l  want  ITC  to  be  a  centre   of  trade   excellence"

                 12    Diabetes
                     Interview   with  Dr  Gojka  Roglic,WHO   Specialist
                 16    TaiwanlHA    Medical    Team   Helps    Tsunami
                     Victims    in   the   Solomon    Islands
                 18    Taiwan   doctors    leap   into   the   outbreak
                     zone   By   Alexander    Chou
              Diva's    diplomatic    pouch

                 22    Interview   with
                     Itzhak   Levanon,    Ambassador    of   Israel
                     to  the  UN  and  Specialized   Institutions   in  Geneva

                 26    Interview    with
                     Bernard    Cochem6
                     Chief   Executive   Officer   of  the  United   Nations   Joint
                     Staff  Pension   Fund
                 29    African   Union   organizing    Africa   Week

                 30   Air   Mauritius    : "  Une  compagnie   de  classe  inter
                     nationale   bien  ancree   dans  le  loisir  !
              Geneva    International

                 32    Life   motivations    in  Geneva
                     -  A  new   international    centre   for   life
                     management     kills   and   well-being
                 34   Cartooning    for   Peace:
                     a  unique   exhibition   at  the   Palais   des   Nations
                 36    Interview    de   Jean   Plantu,    caricaturiste
                 39    Interview    with   Stavro    Jabra
                     Lebanese    Cartoonist
                 41    Le  coin   de  l'4ducation
                 42    Hayward    Beywood    Column
                 44    La  revolution    technologique    et   son   impact
                     sur   la  soci6tei   europ6enne
                 45    Intenriew    with   Duval   Kamera    -
                     the   most   promising    American    Football   talents
                 46    Swiss   photographer    R6gis   Colombo
                 48    ILO   and   Workers:    Violence    at   Work
                 49    /lmbh.aaatjivab

                                                                                                    2  2007   Diva   1

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