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In  memory           of   former       the   WMO   Secretary-General

                           Professor          Godwin         Patrick       Olu   Obasi

              Professor   Obasi,   Secretaiy-  Depaiti'nent    of  Meteorology     sphere,  fresli   water   and  tl'ie    ah'nospheric    dynainics    -
              General     of    the    World  and  Dean   of   the  Faculty   of    OCeallS. He   was   at  tlie   fore-    including     experiments
              Meteorological     Organi-  Science.   h'il978,    he  moved  front   ii'i  drawiiig    the  world's     related   to  the   WestAJrican
              zation     (WMO),     from    1  to  Geneva   to joiii   tlie   WMO  attention   to  the  issue   of   di-    Monsoon    and   to   global
              January     1984    to    31  Secretariat    as  Director    of  the  mate   cl'iange,   notably    in    atinosplieiic    research.   He
              December     2003    passed  Education     and    Training  convei'iing    tlie   second   World     was   lionoured     by   inany
              away   on  3  Marcli   iit   Abrija,  Departi'nent.  Clii'nate   Conference,    lield   in    professional     meteorologi-
              Nigeria.                                        Geneva   in  1990.   He   played    calandhydrologicalsocie-
                                      In   May   1983,   he  was   elected  an   impoitant     role   in   the    ties,   acadeinies    of  sciences
              Professor    Obasi,    aged   74,  Secretaiy-General    of   WMO  negotiations     leading   to   tlie    and    universities     throu-
              held   a  B.Sc   (Honors)    degree  by    the    World  establislu'nent    of   the  United     ghout   the   world.
              in  Matliematics    and   Pl'iysics  Meteorological     Congress  Nations     Framework
              from    McGill     University,  witli   a  forir-year    maiidate  Convention     on    Climate     For   those   of   us  who   had
              Montreal,    Canada,   a  Master  begiiuiing    on   1   January  Change,   the  United   Nations     the   chance   of   working
              of  Science    degree   and   a  1984.   He  was  subseqriently  Convention     to    Combat     with   Professor    Obasi,   we
              Doctorate    in   meteorology  re-elected     for   fotir   more  Deseitification,     the    highly   cherish   the  memo-
              from    tlie    Massachusetts  tei'ins   (iii    1987,   1991,   1995  hitergovernunental    Pazqel  on    ties   of  this   great   man   who
              Ii'istitute     of    Technology,  and   1999).    Upon   comple-  Climate   Cl'iange,   the  World     dedicated    his   wliole   life   to
              USA.    He   won   the   Carl  tion   of  lffs   fifth    tenn,   l'ie  Climate     Research     meteorologicalsciences.A
              Tossby   Award   for   tlie  best  became    Secretai'y-General  Programme,     the    Global     man   of   honour,   and  who
              doctoral   degi'ee   tliesis.  Emerihis   of   WMO,   as  was  Climate    Obsei'viiig     System    was   afraid   of   nothing   -
                                      decided    by   the   foirteentl'i  and  the  Vienna   Convention     except   God,   as  Prof.   Obasi
              Following    lffs   graduation,  World     Meteorological  on   tlie   Protection    of   tlie    himself    used   to  say-he
              Professor   Obasi   joined   the  Congress.     Ozone    Layer     and    its    was  bighly   respected   not
              National     Meteorological                     Montreal    Protocol.     only   by   his  staff   but   also
              Sei'vice    of   Nigeria.    Four  During    liis   tenure,    Prof.    among   scienhsts,    meteo-
              years   later,   lie  joined    tl'ie  Obasi   was   active   in  promo-  Professor    Obasi's    name    is   rologists    and   diplomats.
              Faculty   of   the   University    of  tiiig   global   solutions    to  envi-  closely     associated     with    We  here   at  DIVA   present
              Nairobi,    wliere   he  was   later  roiu'nental   issues,   with   spe-  scientific    breakthrorighs    iii    our   sincere   condolences    to
              appointed   Cliainnan    of   tlie  cial   attention   to  the  ah'no-  liis  field   of   specialization-his    fainily    and   friends.

                                                                                                   2  2007   Diva   3

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