Page 6 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 6

Interview       with

                                   Elmar       Maharram           oglu   Mammadyarov,
                                                 Minister      of  Foreign   Affairs,

                                                    Republic       of  Azerbaijan

                               Your    Excellency,                                          h-ies.  Azerbaijan    has
                               what   are   the   main                                      managed    not   only
                               priorities    for   the                                      survival,     but    also
                               foreign     policy    of                                     st'engtliening    of  its
                               Azerbaijan?                                                  position   as  a  regional
                                                                                            leader   and  a  player
                               Azerbaijan    lias   seve-                                   with   its  say  on  the
                               ral  pi'ioiities   on  tlie                                  international    arena.
                               top   of   its   foreign                                     Azerbaijan,    witli   fas-
                               policy    agenda,   of                                       test  growing   econo-
                               wliicli    contribution                                      my   in  the  world   (35
                               to  intemational    aiid                                     %  in  2006),   initiated
                               regional    peace   and                                      and   led  several   trans-
                               stability    is  among                                       national   energy   pro-
                               tl'ie  most   iinpoitant.                                    jects,    including
                               Azerbaijan    spares   no                                    Bahi-Thilisi-Ceyhan
                               effoits   to  practically                                    oil  and   Balai-Tbilisi-
                               contribute     to    this                                    Erzei'um   natural   gas
                               end.   We   are   active   in   peace  bilateral     relations     witli  pipelines,    and  was   among   the
                               keepiiig,    cooperate    bilaterally  Eiropean    nations   and   moves  forinders   of  tbe   regional   GUAM
                               and  wliining    iiitei'national    for   a  foi'ward   iii   its  cooperation    with  and   BSEC    organizations.    We
                               on  flight   agaiiist   tei-roi'ism,   aiid  EU,   NATO,   Couicil    of   Erirope  forget    cooperation     with
                               engage    into    tlie    regional  and   others.    NATION    aiid  Eriropean   Union,
                               ai'rangements    wliicli    facilitate               became   fiill-fledged    members   of
                               regional   peace.         Azerbaijan's     foreign     policy,  Council   of   Europe,   OSCE,   and
                                                         rmlilce    those    of    European  today  we   are  the   elected  member
                               One   of  the  most   pressing   issues  nations,   has  been  significantly  of   {JN's   ECOSOC   and  Humaii
                               of   tlie   contemporai'y    iiitematio-  affected   by  inilitaiy    aggression  Rights   Coincil.
                               nal  affairs   became   the  energy  of  the  neigliboriiig   Armenia    and
                               secui'ity.   European    as  well    as  subsequent    occupation    of  tlie  Q:   In   the   current    international
                               maiiy   other   nations   expresses  fiftli   of   Azerbaijaiii     tei'i'itories.  situation    several   actors   tend   to
                               tlieir   liigli   concei'i'is    aborit   the  For   that   reason,   Azerbaijani  claim   that   multilateralism    is  in
                               cru'rent   stance   of  the   energy   sup-  Foreign   Sei'vice   lias   been   forced  danger.   What   is  your   opinion?
                               plies   and  tlieir   reliability.    Given  to  deal   witli   the   issue   of  restora-  Do  you   tend    prefer   bilateral
                               Azerbaijan's    significant    oil  and  tion   of   the  tei'i'itoi'ial   iiitegi'ity,  relations    on  the   detrimental    of
                               gas  resoru'ces   as  well   as  a  trans-  which   became   one  of   tlie   most  multilateral    relations    or   do
                               it   cormtry    capability    for   tlie  impoitant    piioi'ity    issues   for   ris.  you   find   tliese   hvo   complimen-
                 o             Central   Asian   resorirces,   we   put             tary   in  serving   the   interest   of
                               contiibution    to   tlie   European  Q:  From   its  independence    in  your   country?
                               and  world   energy   secririty   veiy  1991  and   up  to  date,   wliat   do
                               liigli   011  oir   foreign   policy   prio-  you   consider   the  main   acliie-  I  thiiilc   tliat,   on  the  contraiy,   crir-
                               s'ity   list.             vements   of  your   country    on  rent   intei'iiational     situation    is
                                                         the   international    scene?  more   multilaterally    sliaped.   Tlie
                               Integration    iiito   Eairopean   aiid              role   of  institutions    is  risiiig,   and
                               &iro-Atlantic    structiu'es   is  ano-  We  proved   orirselves.    I'm  not  United   Nations,   tlie   only   ruuver-
                               tlier   priority.    Azerbaijan    sees  sure   not   many   believed    tliat  sal   organization,    needs   to   be
                 0             itself    as  a  member    of   tl'ie  smaller   nations   lilce  orirs  worild  even   more   effective   today   tlian   a
                 X             Eriropean  liistory,      in   tenns   of  liave   sui'vived    intei'nationally  decade   a  go.  In  tlffs   context,   we
                                                         and  predicted
                                                                     ou'   easy   fall  ruider
                                                                                                    UN   refonns
                                                                                    contimie   suppoiting
                LLj            vision;   and  tlierefore,   develops  tlie   iifflrience   of   st'onger   corin-  whicli     sliorild    be    aimed    at
                4  2  2007   Diva

                           w  w  w      d i v  a i n t e r  n a t io   n a I            c  h
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