Page 10 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 10

Patricia   Francis   : "  I want   ITC  to  be  a  centre

                                                    of   trade   excellence          "

                               Based     in    Geneva,     the  Annan   (then   UN  Secretary-  met   her   at  ITCs   head-quar-
                               International    Trade   Centre  General)   and   Pascal   Lamy  ters   where    she   told   us
                               (ITC)   is  the   joint   technical  (WTO   Director-General)    as  more   about   this
                               co-operation    agency    of   the  Executive    Director    of  ITC.  organization    and  her   new
                               UN   Conference     on   Trade  Ms  Francis   has   held   seve-  mlSSIOn.
                               and   Development     (UNC-  ral  important    posts   in  both
                               TAD)   and   of   the   World  government    and   the   priva-  "First   I  must  say  that  I  am  very
                               Trade   Organization    (%!VTO)  te  sector.   She   has   extensi-  happy   to  be  here,  in  Geneva,  to
                               for   business    aspects    of  ve  management    experien-  lead  this  great  institution",   said
                               trade     development.     Its  ce  in  the   fields   of  trade   pro-  Ms.Francis,   "  and  I  am  hopeful
                               main   goal   is  to  help   deve-  motion     and    technical  that  with  my  understanding   of
                0              loping     and    transitional  assistance    to   developing  both  investment  and trade  issues  I
                              economies    to  achieve   sus-  countries.           will   be  able  to  transfori    some  of
                              tainable    human    develop-  The   new   ITC   Executive  the  services  that  we   cun'ently
                                                                                    offerto  big   greater impactto  the
                              ment   through    competitive  Director    was    a   former
                                                                                    institutions   that  we  relate  to ".
                              exports.                    member     of    Jamaica's
                                                          Cabinet     Committee     for
                                                                                    Ms  Fra+icis  is  also  convii'iced   tliat
                              Indeed,    at   a  time   when  Development,     a   two-term
                                                                                    slie  )ias  inheiited   of  a solid  organi-
                              trade   is  unanimously    reco-  President    of   the   World
                                                                                    sation-wliicli    fiu'ictions   well
                              gnized   as  an  "avenue    for  Association    of   Invest-ment
                                                                                    thanks  to  "tlie   tremendoris   people
                              development",    ITC's   man-  Promotion     Agenc-ies

                                                                                    suppoitiiig   it"-but    she worild
                              date,    carried    out    in   part-  (WAIPA)    and   chaired    the
                                                                                    like  tliis  organization   to  be even

                              nership     with    national,  Organization    for   Economic
                                                                                    more  dynamic   and  to  work   liard
                              regional    and   international  Co-operation    and   Develop-
                                                                                    on a "joined-up"   ITC  approacli

                              institutions,     is  more   rele-  ment's    (OECD)    Caribbean  witli   its paitners  to  acl'iieve  its pro-
                              vant   than   ever!         Rim   Investment     Initiative.  mise.
                              In  June   2006,   Ms  Patricia  She   will   head   ITC   for   a  per-
                              Francis,    a  Jamaican    natio-  iod   of  three   years.   Jean-  Slie   spent   tlie   last   couple   of
                              nal   was  appointed    by   Kofi  Paul   Hoareau   de  Montrose  mont]'is  lool<iiig  at  tlie  institution

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