Page 49 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 49

"Transparencies."       look    reveals     subtle  Colombo's     composi-  capture   tlie   rare   essence
         A  single   layer   of   suc-  interactions     between  tions   are   like   a  day-  of   places   that   human
         cessive,   static   blended  elements   straight   orit   of  drean"i   in   wliich    tlie  activity   will   soon   have
         images,     Colombo's   a  Pr6veit   poem:   exotic  fragmented     memories  redriced   to  silence.
         works   are  at  jirst   glan-  trees,  old  cars,  indige-  of   the   traveller,     tlie

         ce  disconceitiiig,    witli  nous   people,   telephone  perennial     tliief,     are  (c Regis   Colombo
         their    higlily    coloiuful  cards,    escalators,  n'iixed    iii   witli   all   tl'ie  For  firrtlier   information
         tones    and    apparent  camels,     and    a   gas  irrationality    tliat   makes
         abstractness.    A   closer  pump*              good    memoiies.    Tliey

                                                                                              2  2007   Diva   47

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