Page 48 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 48
Swiss photographer
R6gis Colombo
Adinired for over a deca- Buddhist monk Matliieu veiy lilcely to confiri'n liis
o de for liis photos of Ricard, tlie Dalai Lama's liigli praise.
Indocliina, the Sahara famous official iiiteipre-
and Cl'iiiia, Swiss plioto- ter, said iii praise of liis Tlie aitist lias iii effect
o grapher R6gis Colon'ibo pictures tliat they are "a reinterpreted liis OWII
lias come out from hibrite to the ii'u'ier beari- negatives, gleaned
beliiiid the lens for l'iis ty of people and tlie spar- throrigli years of travel,
new and innovative digi- kling liglit of places." in an exclusive
tal fusion project. Tliis new collection is collection titled
46 2 2007 Diva
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