Page 50 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 50
ILO and Workers: Violence at Work
s e c r e t a r i a t, the incidence and sevex'ity of goyei'ninent agencxes,
research body attd workplace violence in corui- employers' and workers'
publishing horise. tries arorind the world, inclu- organizations, occupational
It produces mate- dirig examination of some ter- safety and liealtl'i professio-
rial on major roi'ist and mass murder events, nals, human resources
social and econo- identifies occupations and managers, traiiiers and wor-
mic trends, situations at paiticular risk, kers. It is iiitended to pro-
publishes policy evaluates various causal expla- mote dialogue, policies and
statements on nations and details some of the iifftiatives "to repudiate vio-
issues affecting social and economic costs. lence and remoye it from
laborir around the tlie worlqilace now".
world, reference It evaluates tlie effec-
works, technical tiveness of workplace antx-vxo- To mark Labour
guides, research lence measures and responses Day on I May 2007 - in
books and mono- such as regulatory innova- celebration for the world's
graplis, codes of tions, policy interventions, workers - removal of work-
practice prepared workplace desigii tliat may place violence xnight be a
The Tntemational Labour
by expeits aiid training and reduce risks, collective agree- liard but not an iinpossible
Organization (ILO) was workers' education ments and various "best practi- cliallenge to face in the
forinded iii 1919 to prot'note manuals. ce" options worldwide. An twenty-first cennuy.
social justice and, thereby, expanded chapter deals with
to contribute to inffversal Violence at Work national and intei'national Source.' Vtolence at %rlc,
aiid lastiiig peace. Its hipar- The ILO lias been in the legislation, and best practices, Tl'iiid editiori, Gei'ieva,
tite structure ts uruque vanguard in addressing pro- iiicluding from the European Interi'iatioizal Labour
among agencies affiliated to tection of workers' dignity Union. Ofjfice, 2006. (360 pages
tlie United Nations. The and eqriality in the workpla- including Bibliogpaaphy and
ILO's Govei'ning Body ce, includiiig publications Viewed as a groruidbreaki+tg Index). ISBN 92-2-11 7948-
iiicludes representatives of on occupational stress, publication, Violence at Work 6 / 978-92-2-117948-1.
govei'nn'ient, employers' sexual liarassment and cluld is directed toward all those Price 30 Swiss Francs.
aiid workers' organizattons. labour, among others. Tlte eiigaged in combatiiig violen-
Its Intei-national Labour coininitinent of the ILO to ce at work: policy makers in ITA MARGUET
Conference meets annually reduciiig workplace violen-
to discuss social and labour ce is demonstrated through
questions. the publication, iix 2004, of
Cours prives
its code of practice
As pait of its work, the ILO Worlcplace violence in ser- Notre collaborateur Jean-Michel
provides expeit advice and vice sectors and tneasures Wissmer, enseignant de fram,ais
tecmiical assistance to to combat tliis phenome- (22 ansd'exp6rience dans
inember States tbrough a non. l'enseignement public genevois)
network of offices and 111111-
donnerait volontiers
tidisciplinaiy teains in over A tlid edition of an ILO
des cours prives de langue fram;'aise
fOl'Y COlultl'*eS Tls assis- priblication Violence at
tance takes the foi'in of Work WaS plll)li51l(5d 411 (conversation, litt6rature, etc ).
laboir tights and industrial 2006. It is stnuctiired in On peut le joindre au 022 346 00 71
relations, COllnsell"lgi three patts: I Understanding
einploY+nelt promotion, Violence at work, II
trauiing 171 stnall busuiess Respondiiig to Violence at
deyelopinent, pro3ect mana work, III Future action. It
gement, advice 011 SOClal exatnines the full range of
secu'ity, workplace safetY aggressive acts that occur in
and working conditions, the workplaces including
COIIII)llulg ELnddlSSelllula- hotnicides, assaults, sexual
tion of labour statistics, and parassment, threats, bul-
worlcers' education. lyiiig, mobbiiig and verbal
abuse. It offers new infor-
Tlie Interiiational Laborir mation and evidence aborit
Office is tlie Organization's
48 2 2007 Diva