Page 47 - DIVA_2_2007_No.29
P. 47



                                            Duva!   Kamer-a   -

                                      one   of   the   most   pcot%Ths:ng

                                       Arinerjcan       Footba:l'!   ta!ents

   :          If  you  l'iave not  heard                                               intend   to  n'ialce  the  best  out

              tlie    nai'i'ie    befoiTh,    you                                      of  it  by   god's   willing.    I
              sl'iou!d    definitely    write                                          intend   to  pirsue   a double

   ,          itdowi'i.    Duval    isthe                                              majordegreeii'iFinanceand

              8011  0f   a  UN   imeri'iatic-                   '!                    Accounting and minor in

              nalcivilsavantNYC,               al    .  I  a". ,,1                     coo:mpyutoet:scaieriJce.,ill

              ai'id Iqeis considered

    ,         tobeoneofthemost                 4                                      A,    11-   gl,O,u,llo_  a.p   ,Ill

   ,          talentedyoungsters in          "          I
              Ame.ricanfootbali.   He                   >   .                      L    tlicUSaiidyouayone

                                                                                       cla3i becoinea professit+rm!

              "aSjusfbeengranfed                a  -"   :   ! '4  !11,                football )ilayer- ivotild you



              scholarsl'iip the I        -                                            lieastAjeepme  a I:'liiic!-p[

    ,         PrestigiousLli'xiversity  'i"       o                              _,   rolemodclfnrotherxiaro-

    ;         .wNoiitirepDiaarnyev;ohirerethliee..N!:X    ,.                     'i  An'ieri@7is?

   I          Coileague'sfootball           Ja                                        I  thinkI  amarolemodel.


   i          team.Accordn'xg  to  the                                           -    have  no  choice  butto   step up
              specialiststhisisone                                                    totheplate.Myinvolvement

              Of tl'ie best vials  to   ,   =--: -                            -;.     with   the   ambassador   pro-

   I                                 i
              begii'i    a    cgeer     ii'i   the                                ,   grain   is  a  testament   to  that.
              American     footbai[                                                   The  kids  come   by  to  watch
              world.     Beirig     quite                                 -   -   .   meplayandaskformyauto-

              igtaiorant     about     j5B                                      - "'    graph.I  alsoplayedbasket-

              p,'irierican    football    ljVe                        '   -   _. '   .   ball for  y schoolandatthe

              had    tlle    cl-iance     tO                                          endOf thebasketballSeaman,

              meet   vvitl"i   H;nl   and   t'o    Q:  for  aii  outsicley,  ei)iatein an arnb!s;sador I  wasvotedastheMVPin


              ask   sbri-ie   questic-ns....     Ain.ei'icanfootballseemsta   progriimi-ne.-i).liatisyotir   my conference.thinkit's

                                      t_i'aife i'iolent    ancl    a =i-er>    ntotivation    to parffitctpate  alwaysagoodthingtomake

              (),xnle,,;(,,allt00't5aBiSti,     l'yll3Sl'(aaal!ipOl'f-l}'rlu'aa7'Olll'     l'lltlllaSklalldOfe'iL'{lta!XI di'fferencem'S()I'IleOne'Sll'fe

              ,nl)s,   p_,,,l,ulal,   ,,eeta,l,     perccptioiior is thisiust   'uhatisitallabout'?

              spO]f   in  ,IL,   tTni,,l    S,,eJ,     liart of.A_iuericanciilture'.  Q:.Hoivhayeyourconnec-

                                                              Basicallyjusttogivebackto   Lionstothe4ited Nations


              i"d ho"(lo oueYpl"l     Some   people   inight   say  it's    tl'ie  coiniminity    aiid  make   a   th4h    )iorir fair   hail

              u"Sp-O!n'ar"'?         violent,   but   I  guess  an  sports    difference   in  someone's   life.    an  impact   your   aioiees?

              I  guess  it  all  has  to  do  with    Eu'eviolent.Youcansayit's    Tlieprogramis abouthigl'i  Notnecessarily,butI  wont I

              the  physical   aspect  of  the    physicalandtl'iat'sthefun    schoolstudenttakingtime


              galne    alld    the    I,igorOus     partof  it. It'sanAmerican  outof theirscheduleedu-  rniiidtoonebecomeUN



              training   that  is  involved   as   SPOl'f.    catepi'iinaiysclioolstudent  sportambassador.guess
                                                              about  tlie  dangerous   of  dnigs    ain  part  of   the  {JN  fainily

              colnp'edolherspO"s      Q:  You  iire  only  i.7  '1 ears    and  tlie  benefit   and  advan-    tb_rough  my   father.

              Q,  COLlMyOl,   teil   [1,  IIOl,   it    (adand>ou.ar8l<iieiin to   tagesof combiimgsports

              allsta,te(fil,,I,ill,    (li(11sOlX    'be  otieof tlieinostpromi-  andeducation.  Q: Finallyif  youiiavea

              c)if,Ose  ,llel,i(%ai,    FOOtball    jiti:  ".oulli   talentsin )L'S   message!.o sliare'4:tli

                                     for _AinericanBiotball.    !_:$u  hayejust iieen.  otbers,iihat wonkl that


              S,,el,    is  ,,e,,,,l,e(l   to   a,,   !loxi' does.'it_feei.andlioiy    ;aiuirtecitooneoftlieniost  be?

              i'cii.itb0a}l  ii'i  F.urope   a'n,   HtiJ,   ao>oufacadet.hepressurea'. pres'ti7ousAmericantini-
                                                              arersitAes.   'i)'hat   iu'e.  )iou    Work   hard  and  Play  smart

              ll're ,oopulaai:       It's  a bit  OVel'Wl]ehlllng   at   gOt!ig  tO   shtcNy a!ld  riS tll!Si    and alga note   that"tlle  race  IS

              I  was  not   introduced   to  soc-    tiines,butI alwaystiy tostay  necessiti-for heeoiniiiga   notfortheswifti'ieitherthe

              cer  at  Iny  early  age  even    levelheadedandkeepmy   niajei_r cJege icagtie  battleis for thestrongest".

              though    Iny   fatBel.   played    cool.It allowsn'ieto stay  )ilal.!Ji'al 2a! _z'vmer:can "Goafteryoudreamregard-

              soccer.   b   fact   he  W  anted   me    focusanddisciplined.It's    uni'iersky?  lessof  whatotherpeople

              to  play   basketball   of  which   I    fim'                           In'gll'""   ofyou."
                                                              That's   right-   Notre   Dame,

              d'd'bu'foo'allInypas- Q:  _Froihi  iibat   I  liavereaci     tlie  fighting   Irish.   It is  a pres-
                                     Jll  T12'_'pi'(IZZ.  3'OL:aia_J';i';-:N-    flglOllS   unlverSlf7    alld   I

                                                                                                  2  2007   Diva   45

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