Page 3 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 3


            "Diva     International

                3   Uzbekistan    and   Europe:    Opportunities    and   Prospects
                    for   Expansion    of  Economic    Partnership
                3   HER   EXC.   MS   GOULNARA    KARIMOVA'S    WORLD
                    OF   DIPLOMACY,    CULTURE    AND   CHARITY
                8   Interview    with   Ambassador    Jan   Eliasson,
                    former     Swedish     Minister     of    Foreign     Affairs,
                    and   former    President    of   the   UN  General    Assembly
               10    The    01C    is    celebrating     its    40th    anniversary
                    Interview    with   His   Excellency    Mr.  Babacar    Ba,
                    Ambassador    of   the   Organization    of   the   Islamic
                    Conference    to   the   United   Nations
               14    Interview    with   His   Excellency    Fahmi   Bin   Ali   Aljowder,
                    Minister    in  Charge    of   The   Electricity    and   Water
                    Authority,    Kingdom    of  Bahrain
                    TRUST  INTERNATIONAL   lusunauce    AND  Reixsunaxce    COMPANY
                20    Evaluating    the   vulnerability    of   your   job
                    by   Raphael    Cohen'
                22    GSD   CONFEFIS    HONORARY    DOCTORATE    IN
                    INTERNATIONAL    RELATIONS    TO  H.E.   YANG   JIECHI,
                    MINISTER    OF   FOREIGN    AFFAIRS    OF   CHINA
                24    HOW   DO  WE   KEEP   ABREAST    OF  INFORMATION    IN
                    A  RAPIDLY    CHANGING    WORLD?Jasmine
                    Champenois    from   the   Graduate    Institute    of
                    International    and   Development    Studies    offers
                    somewords    of   advice.
                25    "New   Media:   The   Yawning    Gap"
             Human    Rights
                26    30  Years   of   Defending    Breastfeeding:    IBFAN   turns   30
                    By  Ashley   Bunting   Seeber
                28    INDIGENOUS    PEOPLES    PETITION    CERD

                30    Geneve    dans   le  style   chalet
                    Jean-Michel    Wissmer

                32    IVIIGRATIONS    ET  "  PENSEE    NOIRE   "  : L'ARRIVEE    DU
                    PRESIDENT    OBAMA     par   Tchaptchet    Jean-Martin

                34   NI  ETRANGERS,    NI  RACES   : NOUS   SOMMES    TOUS
                    DES   HUMAINS    par   Tchaptchet    Jean-Martin
                36    RACISIVIE   ENTRE   GENETIQUE,    HISTOIRE    ET  SOCIAL
                    par   Tchaptchet    Jean-Martin
                38    ARTLINK    :ILS   NE  SONT   PAS   QUE   PAUVRES
                    par   Tchaptchet    Jean-Martin
                39    LANGUE    MATERNELLE    :CLEF   DE  TOUT   SAVOIR
                    par   Tchaptchet    Jean-Martin
                40    des  Ails   et  des  hoinines
                42    La  expansi6n    de  las   plantaciones    de   cafe,   como
                    sustitutivo    a  la  hoja   de   coca   en  Colombia
                    par   Juan   Gasparini.
                44    Ita's   world
                45    Le  coin   de  l'6ducation                          NEW  MEDIA:
                46    Hayward    Beywood    Column
                48    LA   RUSSIE    PRETEND    VOULOIR    TOURNER    UNE   PAGE
                    D'HISTOIRE    QUI   S'lNSCRIRAIT    DANS   LA   PACIFICATION
                    par   Dan   Albertini
                50    HAITI   C  POUR   CARREFOUR    AUTONOME    C  POUR
                    CLINTON    DE  RETOUR    suite   Vision   pour   Carrefour
                    autonome    HNBS   par   Dan   Albertini
                                                                                                  4  2009   Diva  1
                52    Ambassadress
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