Page 5 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 5
The Permanent Represent- conveys the impression that
ative of the Republic of she is endowed with a keen
Uzbekistan to the United inind, strong deterinination,
Nations Office and other creative thinking, tremendous
Intemational Organizations in chai'isma and exceptional abi-
Geneva, Ambassador lity to capture her audience's
Goulnara Karimova, who attention.
assumed her cui'ent post in
2008, is relatively new to the Having staited her diplomatic
Geneva diplomatic communi- career in 1995 at the
ty. Even so, she gained inter- Department of Political
national poprilarity long befo- Analysis and Forecast in the
re her diplomatic tenure star- Ministi'y of Foreign Affairs of
ted, hitting the front pages and Uzbekistan, Goulnara
headlines of prestigious Karimova has subsequently
magazines and newspapers served as Adviser to the
thanks to her multifaceted Foreign Minister of
activities in political, cultural Uzbekistan, Counsellor of the
and public spheres. Permanent Mission of
Uzbekistan to the United
Bridging the distance bet- Nations in New York and
ween her counti'y and the rest Minister Counsellor to the
of the world, Gorilnara Embassy of Uzbekistan in
Kai'ii'nova has so far been suc- Moscow.
cessful in making sure that
modem Uzbekistan emerges However, for Goulnara
in the intei'national arena L Kai'imova, diplomacy has not
all its bi'ight and fascinating been the only avenue she has
colours. Due to vai-ious far- explored to achieve her mis-
reaching projects iii cultural sion. Slie is the orgai'nzer and
and l'uunanitarian spheres, patroness of a number of
which she supei'vises perso- public, cultiiral and charitable
nally, more and more people organizations well-known not
across the world are beco- only in Uzbekistan but also far
rning aware that Uzbekistan's beyond its borders. These
significance is not liinited to iiiclude the Foi'um of Culture
its aiicient istoi'y, rich culture and Arts of Uzbekistan
and colorirful traditions, but Foundation (www.fundfo-
also to the fact that it is a, Melu' Nui'i (Liglit of
rapidly growing nation with Mercy) Foundation, Jenskoe
multidimensional resources. sobranie (Women's Council)
It is a yoring and dynainic Public Association, and Social
society marked by a symbio- Initiatives Support Fund
sis of traditional and modern (SISF). She is also credited
culture, creatiye people and with establishing Uzbekistan's
educated youtli, enjoying first independent t taiik -
peace and stability, geopoliti- the Center for Political Studies
cal significance, econoinic -tmough which she has laid
development and burgeoniiig the foundations of conceptiial-
trade relations. ly new infor-mation and ana-
lysis activities contributing to
It is often said that Gorilnara's the development of collabora-
existence is determined by tion with leading research
her inissions. Even a bi'ief institutes and analytical cent-
conversation With her res in Europe, Russia, Asia
4 2009 Diva 3