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attending these events not
              only learn about Uzbek                               MlOUiti  East
                                             conomic Forum on the
              culture but also help to convey
               the "Uzbek cultural message'    Dead Sea, 15-17 May 2009
               to the rest of the globe.      WO*LD  wøutto 	             WORLD
                                              S 14C C0MC ECG'OMC   ECONOMIC ECONOMIC ECONOMIC
               The recent Art Week
                                                                  w%W 	                  WRD
               -2009 (, which                        CQNOMIC NOMI( EC*NOMC   CGNOC

               is held annually, was another
               major event. The project,
               conceived by Goulnara and
               launched in 2006, exceeded
               demonstrated its scale and
               significance through colourful
               events in the sphere of culture,
               art and fashion, as well as       At the World Economic Forum on the Middle East - Jordan, 2009
               participation of big-name
               celebrities, such as Kenzo  indicative of its growing  charity, mercy and friendship   for combating breast cancer.
               Takada, Favaz Gruosi and  significance.        through its activities, which
               Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele,                     have always been peculiar to   Many well-known scholars
               Julio Iglesias, Monserrat   'SOFT POWER' TOUCH   the Uzbek people. Established   and experts made their presen-
               Caballe, Sting, Rod Stewart   OR MORE THAN CUL-  in 2004, this Foundation spon-  tations at the Conference.
               and others.            TURE                    sors talented young people,   They include Dr. Marco
                                                              small and medium-sized   Martuzzi, representative of
               It should be noted that Art   Speaking at the World  businesses. It also provides   the WHO European Center
               Week greatly differs from   Economic Forum on the  social protection to those in   for environment and health-
               Fashion Week as the former   Middle East, which took place   need, such as the disabled and   care in Rome (Italy), Prof.
               features exhibitions of pain-  in Jordan in May 2009 and  orphans, through grant   Mikhail Davidov, Academic
               tings, antiquities, presenta-  brought together over 1,200   programmes: the Programme   of the Russian Academy of
               tions and concerts.   businessmen, heads of  of Educational Grants; the   Sciences and the Russian
               accentuates the support for the   government and public lea-  Fellowship Programme for   Academy of Medical
               youth and provides grants for   ders, Dr. Goulnara Karimova   Gifted Students; the Grants   Sciences (RAMS), President
               masters of textile and weaving   touched upon the "soft" power   for the Development of   of RAMS, Director-General
               arts engaged in reviving the  strategy of Uzbekistan. She  Family Business; the Grants   of the largest in Europe the
               ancient technologies of fabric   said that: "Uzbekistan is not  for the Development of Small   Russian Oncology Scientific
               making.                only aware of the best interna-  and Medium Business and   Research Institute named after
                                       tional practices in this regard,   Fanning, etc. Since the   N. Blokhin (Russia), Elliot M.
               Asrlar sadosi (Echo of   but is already implementing  beginning of its activity, the   Belenkov, Professor of the
               Centuries) is a lively festival   projects within this strategy."  beneficiaries 	of 	the   "Mount Sinay" medical
               of traditional culture, which is   This was exemplified by the   Foundation have included   school, Member of the
               held out of doors on a large   experience of public organiza-  some 430,000 people in   American Society for Clinical
               open space. It is a relatively   tions and civil society, in par-  Uzbekistan.   Oncology, member of the
               new project developed by the   ticular, that of the Fund                European Society of Medical
               Fund Forum. The Festival was   Forum. Goulnara also stressed   The objective of another orga-   Oncology (USA), Dr.
               first held in May 2008 near   a wide range of social, educa-  nization
                                                                                       Alexander Scharf, Professor,
               the historical city of   tional, youth, women's and  Sobraniye
                                                                                       Mammology center Vice-
               Shahrisabz and was attended   charity projects -- all activities  Council) Public Association   President,
               by over 30,000 people, among  that are within the scope of the  ( -- is to pro-  Heidelberg
               whom were many inter-   non-governmental organiza-  vide support leading to a heal-  (Germany), Chiba Momoco,
               national guests. The Festival  tions which she heads --  thy motherhood and child-  Professor of the International
               is aimed at preserving the  namely, Mehr Nun (Light of   hood. More specifically,   University of Health and
               unique folk heritage, populari-  Mercy) Charity Foundation,   among its recent projects was   Welfare of Japan, Arie
               zing national creative work,   Jenskoye 	                               Bitterman, Director of the
                                                               an international conference
               supporting and encouraging  (Women's Council) Public  that focused on combating   Institute
               talented national music bands  Association, Social Initiatives   breast cancer, held in Tashkent   Oncology of Mammary
               and artisans, and presenting  Support Foundation (SISF)  this year and attended by spe-  Gland, Roman Barak, Chief
               Uzbekistan's rich traditional  and Kelajak ovozi (Voice of  cialists from Germany, Italy,   Terapeutist of "Horev"
               culture to the international  the Future) Youth Initiatives  Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan,   Medical Center (Israel), Prof.
               community.              Center (YIC).           Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and   Haluk Allagul, Chairman of
                                                               the United States of America.   Breast Surgery Association,
               This year, the idea of holding  The Mehr Nuri Foundation   Another significant event was   head of the General Surgery
               the Festival was supported by  ( strives to  the opening of "For the Sake   Department, Gazi Osman
               the UNESCO, which is  develop the tradition of  of Life" Women's Association   Pasha University (Turkey),
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