Page 12 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 12

The   OIC  is  celebrating                     its  40th   anniversary

                     Interview         with   His   Excellency             Mr.  Babacar           Ba,

                         Ambassador            of  the   Organization          of  the   Islamic

                                    Conference         to  the   United   Nations

               Mr    Ba    is    a   career  world   were   all   deeply   shoc-  What    is   Islamophobia?     It  Q:   Well,   are   you?
              diplomat   from   Senegal  ked   and  humiliated    by  this  consists   of   actions   and  atti-
              who   was   asked   to  take  horrible    attack.   During    a  tudes-either    in  writing    or  Of   course    not!    On   the
              charge   of   the   OIC's  meeting   in  Rabat,   Morocco,  declarations-aimed    at  contrai'y,   Islam   is  a  religion
              affairs   in  Geneva.    King    Hassan   n  and   King  creating   hatred   and  fear   of  promottng    peace,   respect
                                       Faycal     of   Saudi   Arabia  the    Muslim     population,  and   love   towards   others,   and
              Q:  The   01C  is  currently  ,initiated    the  setting   up  of   a  especially    in   the   Westein  does    not    approve     of
              celebrating     its   fortieth  Muslim    organization    whose  world.     It    is    a   growing  confrontation    or   hatred    in
              anniversary.   When   did   it  main   objective    was  protec-  phenomenon     and    has
                                                                                       all7   Wag.
              all  start   and   could   you  ting   the   holy   sites   of   Islatn.  created   a kind   of  rejection    of
              please   tell   us   a    little  The   Palestinian    issue   was  the    Muslim     poprilation.  However,    there   is   some
              about    your   organiza-  also   ceitainly    a  matter   of  Unfoitunately,    it  is  growing  extremist    using   religion    as  a
              tion?                    concern    because    it   is   in  and    it    threatens     the  political    weapon,   and   this   is
                                       Palestine   that   you   find   the  coexistence    of   the  different  something     we    should
              The   OIC   was   set  up   in  1969.  Al-Aqsa     Mosque.  con'irnunities.  oppose    everywhere.
              It   was   a  reaction    to   the  Therefore,    this   question   has  Extremism    can   be   found
              events   that   had   happened  been   an  impoitant    issue   for  What  is  even   more   wori'ying  everywhere,     among
              earlier.   There   had  been   an  the   organization.  is  the   fact   that   Islamaphobia  Chi'istians,    Muslirns    or   other
              attack   against   the  Al-Aqsa                  is  being   used   by  politicians  religious     or    political
              Mosque    in   Jei'usalem,    which  Q:  Today,    there    is  a  lot  in   their   political     program-  movements.    Evei'y   form   of
              is    considered     the    third  of    talk     about  mes   from   the  extreme   iight  extreinism    should   be  contes-
              holiest   site   in   Islam.  Islamophobia.      to   promote    the   idea   that  ted.
                                                               Muslims    are   a  threat   to
              The    Muslims    around    the    Unfoitunately,     yes.   It  is   a  Europa.  The   Member    States   of   OIC
                                       growing     phenomenon.
                 10  4  2009   Diva

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