Page 15 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 15

The Organization of the Is/Tainic Con/ereiicc

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             When it was set up there   America, all dealing with  I'm a career diplomat. I
             were a lot of discussions   the same questions as the  graduated from the Ecole
             about the name of the   United Nations. That is the  Nationale dAdministration
             organization. Some wanted   reason why we have close  et de Diplomacie de
             it to be called the     collaboration with the UN.  Senegal. I was in charge of
             Organization of Muslim   Every two years there is an  the Africa-Asia Department
                                                        our  in the Ministry of Foreign
             States, others wanted it to be   evaluation
             called the Organisation for   collaboration.    Affairs. And Director of the
             Islamic States, but neither                     cabinet of the Foreign
             name was satisfactory to all.   We have a mission accredi-  Minister Before that I had
             Some countries have 30% of   ted to the United Nations in  been posted in Gambia, in
             Muslims, others more, some   New York, as well as here in  Addis Ababa (1994-
             less, so they are not really   Geneva. I, for instance, am  2000),as Deputy Permanent
             Islamic countries. In fact,   accredited in Geneva and  Representative to OAU,
             each country has a different   also in Vienna. We will also  ECA, and Ethiopia covering
             constitution, so they do not   open an office in Brussels in  also about 10 other countries
             all belong to the Islamic   order to reinforce our  in East Africa and Southern
             religion to the same degree.   collaboration with the EU.  Africa, and then I became
             We had to find something   The agreement is about to be  the head of the European
             else. Therefore, they called   finalized with the Belgian  Department in the Ministry
             it the Organization of the   government. It is important  of Foreign Affairs. When the
             Islamic Conference, an   to reinforce collaboration  OIC was looking for some-
             inter-governmental organi-  between the West and the  body to be in charge of their
             zation. Each year there is a   Muslim world in order to  mission here in Geneva, the
             meeting for all the Ministers   combat extremism and  President of Senegal asked
             of Foreign Affairs of the   denial, and leave room for  me to take up this function.
                                                      among  In short, I am a career diplo-
             Member States of the OIC   dialogue
                                     civilizations. We should not  mat belonging to the
             It is the most important and   leave a space for the extre-  Senegalese
             biggest organization after   mists.             corps, and I'm married with
             the United Nations and the                      4 children.
             organization of French-         Finally,
             speaking countries. We have   Ambassador, what is
             Member States from Asia,   your background?
             Africa , Middle East,

                                                                                                 42009 Diva 13

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