Page 18 - DIVA_4_2009
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                                  TRUST INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE

                                      AND REINSURANCE COMPANY

              When you come to the                                                      those ethics and seem to
              Trust 		                                                                  have merely refined the
              Manama in Bahrain,                                                        values that Trust Re was
              you detect a very                                                         initially built on. We feel
              positive and dynamic
                                                                                        today in 2009 that we have
              atmosphere. The staff
                                                                                        a duty to serve our clients
              is young and they
                                                                                        and stakeholders with the
              come from all over the
                                                                                        same passion that we have
              world -- a small United
                                                                                        always had and will
              Nations some might                                                        endeavour to accommoda-
              say with more than
                                                                                        te comfortably all queries
                                                                                        that are posed.
              nationalities. They all
              share the same values                                                     Today, Trust Re Bahrain
              of hard work and
                                                                                        has grown to a very full
              integrity, thanks to
                                                                                        operation encompassing
              their efforts and those
                                                                                        key principles and visions
              of the young CEO who
                                                                                        that will take us forward to
              has created this
                                                                                       become the "Regional
              atmosphere. 	                                                             Reinsurer of Choice".
              become one of the key
                                                                                        Q. What is the differen-
              players in the insuran-
              ce and reinsurance       remember 	region. The simple inten-              insurance
              market in the Middle     body's birthday         tion was to launch a     normal insurance?
              East and elsewhere.      buying presents, etc.   company in a country
              They are now present     One could really say    where barriers of entry   The 'insurance" industry,
              in thirteen countries    that he is the type of   were acceptable and you   as a whole, is a very vast
              and they are aiming to   boss that many dream    could build a network of   arena of micro and macro
              expand further, so you   about coming across     contacts and affiliates to   operations that shape the
              should definitely bear   at least once in their   serve your portfolio. It   way clients deal with their
              the name in mind.        professional lives. So,   started as a small operation   everyday proceedings. It is
                                       leaving the floor to    with only a handful of   important
              We had the chance of     Fadi                    clients amassed through   however, that the core
              meeting Fadi Abu                                 personal dealings and   underlying business model
              NahI, the young CEO      Q. Could you tell us a   recommendations. As the   of both the insurance and
              of Trust International,   little about Trust Res   years went by and as we   reinsurance sub-industries
              in his Bahrain office to   background?           got closer to the millen-  are common. These are
              learn more about this                            nium, the true potential of   directly
              success story. Meeting   Trust Re was started in   a privately owned     supporting risk on behalf
              Fadi is like meeting a   1989 by our group chair-  organization became clear   of individuals and corpora-
              good friend; he has a    man, Ghazi Abu Nahi, as   to us, as well as the   tions and offering a hedge
              heart of gold and has    an insight into the  importance of key personal   against any potential losses
              the gift of making       insurance and reinsurance   values and ethics. Today,   or claims. Trust Re
              people feel comforta-    sector with a company   we are proud to say that in   Bahrain is a fully fledged
              ble in his company. He   serving the needs of clients   our twentieth anniversary   reinsurance operation; this
              is a comprehensive       in the Arab/African and   year we are still working   means that we offer
              boss who tries to        eventually the Asian    within the framework of   insurance for insurance
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