Page 23 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 23
to reduce those allocated to efficiency by the number of because of a measurable
your unit. If your helpdesk words typed per minute will superior performance, they
unit shows a user satisfaction unfortunately stand no should negotiate a promotion
rate of 75% and some bean chance against dictation soft-
counter wants to reduce your ware that currently shows a
budget in order to cut 99% accuracy rate. To avoid * CEO of Management
expenses, you might tell their obsolescence, they Boosters & Academic
management that you accept should rather figure out if Director of the
the budget cut as long as their purpose is only to turn Entrepreneurship
management accepts to see dictated text into writing or if specialization of the
the satisfaction rate drop to it is to save their boss's time University of Geneva MBA,
60%. Then, because you (how much?) and help
show the measurable him/her become more
purpose of what is being
efficient (by how much?).
managerial decision, it This analysis will help them
becomes a management differentiate themselves from
You might be tempted to state
problem instead of yours dictation software that cannot
that, because it is not tangible
bring other benefits besides
enough, what you are doing A third advantage of dictation.
cannot be measured. Wrong indicators is that they allow
answer! If pain can be
you to demonstrate to your Because indicators are so
measured, anything can be
superiors how good you are. powerful, some people do not
measured. People often
like them. Those are usually
wrongly believe that
measurable evolution, even if the people who are already in
measuring has to be accurate.
it is not an accurate measure- trouble. For the remaining
This is not necessary: for
ment, is the best testimony of readers, indicators correlated
your skills and potential. with the finality of their job
perceptions remains subjecti-
Measurable results are your can help them know how
ve but it is still much better
best insurance against vulnerable they are or if,
than not measuring anything.
dismissal: people delivering
The New York City police
concrete (= measurable)
monitor the perception of
results are the last ones to be
safety of the city population.
Even though it is a subjective ES CONTACT
showing in a recruiting inter-
indicator, its evolution is used
view the measurable results
to assess the performance of Immobilier & Courtage
delivered in your last position
the police because, at the end
is a very compelling
of the day, the purpose of the CONFIGNON
argument to demonstrate
police is to make people feel
what you are capable of in
order to obtain the new job. DANS BATISSE DU xvllre
If you cannot identify any
If on the other side, you can-
indicator, even an imprecise DE 7 APPARTEMENTS EN PPE
not show that you managed to
one, which is correlated to the
influence the evolution of
purpose/finality of your job,
your indicators positively,
you are in ... serious trouble.
this is a good ... indicator that
Someone in management can
you may not bring enough
come to the same conclusion
benefits to your employer,
and terminate your job. So if
you want to avoid this
Prepare yourself to look for
situation, make sure you can
another job. This understan-
clearly express the finality of
ding will at least give you
your job and ALSO have
more time to find a job than
relevant indicators. Stating Le charme rural a proximite de toutes les commodités
waiting for the official
the finality only with words is
notification stating that you de 110 m2 a 145 m2, 3,4 1/2,5 pièces, MlNERlE
ten times less convincing
have become obsolete. lumineux, spacieux, terrasses, parkings, environnement
than measuring results. verdoyant, écoles, commerces, transports publics, etc...
Indicators can also help you Prix : de chf 990'000.—à I '260'000.--
The other advantage of
benchmark your performance
indicators is that they give Renseignements:
with potential replacement
you a very powerful
alternatives. For instance,
argument to negotiate +4122 727 10 00 /
secretaries measuring their
resources, including attempts
4 2009 Diva 21
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