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30 Years of Defending Breastfeeding:

                                            IBFAN turns 30

                                         By Ashley Bunting Seeber

                                                               the John Knox Centre to   feeding.
                                                               form an advocacy network
                                                               on this issue; among them   Nestle
                                                               were the Interfaith Centre   companies promote breast-
                                                                                       milk substitutes through
                                                               Responsibility, the Infant   health workers or adverti-
                                                               Formula Action Coalition,   sing that exploits mothers'
                                                               OXFAM, War on Want,     concerns for their children.
                                                               and the Declaration de  Mothers are told these pro-
                                                               Berne.                  ducts are better than
                                                                                       breastmilk, adding impor-
                                                               At the thirtieth anniversary   tant nutrients or contribu-
                                                               celebration, it was also   ting to greater intelligence.
                                                               revealed that Ross  These women, eager to do
                                                               Mountain, then working in   what's best for their
                                                               the UN NGO Liaison  infants, hand over increa-
                                                               Office, was indispensable   sing portions of their inco-
                                                               at that meeting. Andrew   mes for an expensive coun-
                                                               Chetley recalled the  terfeit of their own perfect-
                                                               history of IBFAN's forma-  ly nutritious milk Perhaps
                                                               tion: "Ross walked into the   most important of all,
                                                               room and said, 'This is not   breastmilk contains the
                                                               a meeting, we are not  immune agents that com-
                                                               having this conversation,   pensate for a new-born's
                                                               and I am not here."  still inadequate immune
                                                               Mountain then proceeded   system and that play a
                                                               to explain to the group how   major role in keeping the
                                                               they as a new NGO needed   child healthy. No human-
                                                               to work within the UN  made product, whatever its
              The emotion was palpable   of the late Senator Ted   system to affect change,   nutritive content, can
              in the room as veterans of   Kennedy who, in  1978,   insider's advice that  replace these immune
              the struggle to promote   held US Senate hearings   IBFAN was eager to hear   agents.
                                      on the topic, leading to a
              breastfeeding 	                                  and follow through on.
              stories from the front lines.   joint WHO/UNICEF                         Healthcare workers, for
              For 30 years now, IBFAN   meeting the following   Since then, IBFAN has  their part, are often given
              (the International Baby   year. The meeting called   become one of the longest-   samples of formula to give
              Food Action Network) has   for the formation of an   surviving
                                                                                       to new mothers or are
              taken on the toughest   international code, and by   organizations, compiling   given free "informational
              challenges in enforcing   1981 the Code had been   reports
                                                                                       materials to display or dis-
              compliance with the     written and adopted by the   compliance, organizing   tribute that feature logos of
              International Code of   World Health Assembly. It   against those who don't   formula companies.
              Marketing of Breastmilk   calls on States to promote   comply, and promoting
              Substitutes.            breastfeeding and sets   breastfeeding. IBFAN is   Nestlé responds to these
                                      advertising standards for   perhaps most famous for   charges by saying that
              During the  1970's, several   formula, bottles and teats   its role in the longest-  IBFAN has mischaracteri-
              organizations noticed the   so as to not undermine   running (launched in 1977)  zed its marketing and even
              connection between infant   those efforts.       and most expensive (to  the Code itself. It insists
              formula and malnutrition,                        industry) boycott in  that materials given to
              particularly for infants in   While in Geneva for that   history, that of Nestlé, for   healthcare workers are to
              developing countries. The   joint WHO/UNICEF mee-  its marketing strategies   promote infant health and
              issue caught the attention   ting, several NGOs met at   that undermine breast-  are not in violation of the

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