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it by virtue of purchase.   subjected to fines and   Representing the delega- Hawaii stated they would
            The Committee questio-   imprisonment if they could   tion from Alaska were  continue to pursue their
                                                                             Ronald  claims.
            ned the US delegation on   not pass a test to read,   Ambassador
            the status of the indige-  write or speak in English.   Barnes, Mary Ann Mills
            nous peoples during the   This violated the mandate   and Olga Malutin. Mr.  In the final day of the ple-
            referenda leading to the   of the administering   Leon K Sui represented  nary
            removal of Alaska and    Power, in particular the   the Kingdom of Alaska.  Rapporteur stated that he
            Hawaii from the list under   obligation to inform the   Professor Alfred de Zayas  would reflect the discus-
            General Assembly resolu-  peoples of the territory in   of the Geneva School of  sion in the Committee's
                                                                                and  report, indicating that this
            tion 1469 of 12 December   their own language. The   Diplomacy
            1959. The United States   United States military was   International Relations  matter belongs with the
            replied that Alaska and   listed in UN reports as the   and former Secretary of  appropriate body of the
            Hawaii are the 49th and   de jure population of   the UN Human Rights  United Nations. However,
            50th state members of the   Alaska and given the right   Committee was of counsel  the petition has not been
            Union and that the self-  to vote in the referenda, as   and provided pertinent  officially transmitted to
            determination issue had   were American citizens;   legal advice on the issue of  the General Assembly, as
            been settled. The indige-  this procedure contravenes   self-determination referen- the IPNC and Koani conti-
            nous populations, howe-  international
                                                              da, the principle of good  nue to demand.
            ver, emphatically reject the   concerning other non-self-   faith and the doctrine of
            response given by the then   governing
            Ambassador Warren W.     Reference was made to the
            Tichenor, 	                                       The Members of the
                                     Concluding Observation
            Representative of the    of the Human Rights      Committee argued that
            Mission of the United    Committee calling for the   their hands were tied,
            States of America during   United States to address   because Alaska and
            the dialogue with CERD.   the open questions concer-  Hawaii had been removed
                                     ning the self-determina-  from the list by virtue of a
            The Shadow Reports       tion of the indigenous peo-  resolution of the General
            document historical viola-  ples of Alaska.       Assembly in 1959, and
            tions of the UN Charter                           that ratione temporis
            and international law    The Koani Foundation     Article 15 no longer
            based on UN principles   submitted Public Law 103-  applied. The representati-
            and General Assembly     150, the "Apology Bill" of   ves of the indigenous peo-
            resolutions. Reference is   1993, where Bill Clinton,   ples noted, however, that
            made to the judgment of   the then President of the   there was an issue of a
            the United States Supreme   United States of America   continuing violation" of
            Court in the 1955 Tee-Hit-  and the Congress formally   the principle of self-deter-
            Ton v. United States of   apologized for the illegal   mination and a situation of
            America case, which held   overthrow of the Hawaiian   an ill-obtained GA resolu-
            that the land in Alaska was   Kingdom in 1893.    tion, which was based on
            for the settlement of the   Documents were presen-  deliberate misinformation
            white race, notwithstan-  ted concerning the call by   and the manipulation of
            ding General Assembly    United States President   referenda in violation of
            resolution 644 of 1952 that   Grover Cleveland to return   the rights of the indige-
            called on all administering   the Hawaiian Kingdom to   nous. Both Alaska and
            Powers to abrogate discri-  its de jure government.   Hawaii were administered
            minatory legislation and   Koani also referred to the   through puppet institutions
            policy in non-self-gover-  Concluding Observations   created by the administe-
            ning territories. This judg-  of the Human Rights   ring Power. Most perti-
            ment relied on the earlier   Committee that called for   nently, it was recalled that
            precedent of the 1823    additional information on   General Assembly resolu-
            Johnson v. McIntosh case,   the illegal overthrow of the   tions are not immutable
            which held that the "sava-  Hawaiian Kingdom.     and
            ges" had to cede their terri-                     Resolutions, including the
            tory and accept the super-  The Committee agreed to   "Zionism is Racism" reso-
            ior genius of the European   meet informally with the   lution, have been lifted or
            civilization. For many   representatives of the indi-  modified by subsequent
            years the Indigenous     genous people and appoin-   resolution.
            Peoples of Alaska were   ted
                                                              Delegations of Alaska and
                                                                                                 4 2009 Diva 29

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