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ver. IBFAN uncovered,   practices is actually
                                     among other things, how   declining.
                                     Nestlé was donating free
                                     or low-cost formula to   According to Dr. Bhutta,
                                     health facilities, which   the top three challenges
                                     was then passed onto new   for promoting breastfee-
                                     mothers, only to charge   ding are reaching rural
                                     much higher prices for so-  and urban squatter seg-
                                     called follow-up formula,   ments, engaging high
            Code. It further explains   which families in develo-  HIV/AIDS-burdened
            that IBFAN's accusations   ping countries cannot   countries "in ways that
            of Code violations apply to   afford. Once an infant has   make sense", and prevai-
            baby foods that are not   started 	                       over      the
            intended as, and not  formula, it is rarely able to   "onslaught" of misinfor-
            marketed as, breastmilk   resume breastfeeding, and   mation from formula
            substitutes, and thus fall   in the meantime the mother   companies.     pressures on mothers
            outside the scope of the   may have stopped lactating                    through legislation, new
            Code.                   due to the lack of       There is hope in a number   advocacy and information
                                    stimulation. These families   of new programs. In Dr.  campaigns, and supporting
            Subsequent WHO inter-   then have little choice but   Bhutta's home country. of   breastfeeding counseling,
            national public health   to continue buying expen-  Pakistan, for example, one   all strategies known to
            policy, however, covers   sive formula they cannot   experimental program had   increase breastfeeding.
            these baby foods, the use   afford. Issues like this   government-paid health
                                    regarding Code complian-
            of 	                                             workers engage in follow-  It is difficult to say what
            encourages as soon as pos-  ce continually arise and are   up visits and breastfeeding   the world will look like in
            sible as "complementary   reported periodically by   counseling with new  another 30 years, but if
            foods" and "follow-up    IBFAN.                  mothers that proved highly   IBFAN has its way, the
            foods". The WHO policy is                        successful in encouraging   practice of breastfeeding
            unequivocal: exclusive   Thirty years into the fight,   new mothers to breastfeed.   will once again be widesp-
            breastfeeding for the first   significant 	                              read, contributing to a new
                                                             Another promising sign
            six months then a gradual   remain. At the celebration,   comes again from IBFAN:   era of overall health for
            introduction of follow-up   Dr. Zulfigar Bhutta high-
                                                             its Global Breastfeeding  infants and young children.
            foods, with breastfeeding   lighted some disturbing   Initiative
            continuing until the child is   statistics on the current   Survival (GBICS) is a
            two years or older, if  state of breastfeeding. Of   multi-tiered approach to
            possible.               the nine million infant   protect, promote and
                                    deaths worldwide every   support breastfeeding. The
            In the early 1980's, Nestlé   year, an estimated 1.4   initiative includes plans to
            even set up its own  million die as a result of   reduce
            commission to evaluate its   inadequate breastfeeding.
            marketing, intending to use   Conversely, infants who
            its findings as arguments   are breastfed have a 40%
            against these claims. Yet as   lower mortality rate and
            the boycott intensified,  lower malnutrition rates.
            Nestlé promised it would   Recalling WHO policy,
            begin to comply with the   Bhutta estimates 10-11%
            Code, and the boycott was   of infant deaths could be
            called off in 1984. This   prevented by early
            was recounted by Chetley,   initiation to breastfeeding
            a long-time veteran of the   (within one hour of birth),
            struggle, as one of the  exclusive breastfeeding for
            more difficult periods in   the first six months,
            IBFAN's history, as the   appropriate introduction of
            organization had to re-  complementary foods, and
            evaluate its goals and prio-  continued breastfeeding
            rities.                 for two years and beyond.
                                    Yet recent studies in
            Repeated scandal invol-  Southeast Asia, for
            ving Nestlé resulted in   example, reveal that the
            renewed boycotts, howe-   prevalence of these

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