Page 24 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 24


                          MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF CHINA

                                             By Alfred de Zayas*

                                                                    ve challenges to the   Charter of the United
                                                                    international com-  Nations, the UN Framework
                                                                    munity. The interna-  Convention on Climate
                                                                    tional financial crisis   Change, the WHO global
                                                                    is spreading to every   public health programs
                                                                    corner of the world   (WHO Director General Dr.
                                                                    and affecting the   Margaret Chan was present),
                                                                    development agenda   the peaceful settlement of
                                                                    of all countries. New   disputes: "We have always
                                                                    uncertainties have   stood for the complete prohi-
                                                                    emerged in regional   bition and thorough destruc-
                                                                                        tion of nuclear weapons and
                                                                    impacting the evolu-  firmly opposed the prolifera-
                                                                    tion of the internatio-  tion of WMD and their
                                                                    nal security situation.   means of delivery. We are
                                                                    Global issues such as   ready to work with other
                                                                                       countries for the early reali-
                                                                                       zation of a nuclear-weapon-
                                                                    environmental      free world... We urge the
                                                                    degradation, worse-  various factions in Darfur to
                                                                    ning poverty, spread   come to the negotiating table
                                                                    of communicable    and conclude a peace agree-
              The Château de Penthes is a   ye future-oriented lecture by   diseases and proliferation of   ment at an early date. We
              particularly beautiful place   Dr. Murphy: "The world   weapons of mass destruction   strongly support and actively
              any season of the year, with   needs China and China   are becoming increasingly   participate in all internatio-
              its spectacular view of Lac   needs the world". Important   acute ... As countries are   nal efforts that are conducive
              Leman and the Mont Blanc,   issues of international law,   more than ever interdepen-  to peace in the Middle
              its venerable trees and slo-  international peacemaking,   dent with their interests clo-  East..."
              ping gardens . Wednesday   disarmament, economic   sely interconnected, no one
              morning 12 August, it was   cooperation, human rights   can expect to achieve true   The speech ended on a posi-
              especially busy, teeming   and environmentalism were   development and prosperity   tive note, an old Chinese
              with 	                                           in isolation, or secure dura-  saying: "Amity between
                                       lucidly addressed -- all sub-
              Ambassadors, Directors   jects taught at GSD.    ble peace and stability on   people holds the key to
              General of international   Dr. Murphy then proceeded   one's own.. .Thirty years of   sound relations between
              organizations, Geneva per-  to confer upon the Chinese   reform and opening-up have   States". The audience
              sonalities, and, of course,   Foreign Minister the title of   brought historic changes in   applauded the speaker and
              security personnel.      Doctor of International   China's relations with the   the procession moved back
                                       Relations honoris causa,   world, and China's future   to the Château de Penthes,
              Under benevolent blue skies   praising his initiatives in   and destiny are now closely   everyone in a good mood.
              and a light summer breeze   world affairs and handing   tied to those of the world. No
              Dr. Colum Murphy,        him the impressive diploma,   matter how the international   Even in high summer, when
              President of the Geneva   which he read out in full.   situation may evolve, China   many Geneva residents are
              School of Diplomacy and   H.E. Yang Jiechi then delive-  will always stand for peace,   away on vacation, important
              International Relations, wel-  red a magisterial speech - not   development and coopera-  events continue to happen in
              comed his Excellency H.E.   just a pro forma diplomatic   tion, pursue an independent   and around the United
              Yang Jiechi, Minister of   thank you - in which he   foreign policy of peace, and   Nations. The Château de
              Foreign Affairs of the   spoke of the challenges of   stick to its diplomatic vision   Penthes offered a beautiful
              People's Republic of China   globalization and China's   of upholding world peace   cadre to this uplifting cere-
              to the GSD campus. The   role as a reliable partner, its   and promoting common   mony.
              academic procession of the   continuing reforms and com-  development."
              GSD faculty got under way   mitment to peace and human
                                                                                       *OHCIIR retired, professor
                                               In impeccable
              punctually at 11 a.m., and a   rights. 	                                 of international law at GSD
                                                               An audience of more than
              few minutes later, under the   English he said: "The ever   two hundred guests listened
              great white tent overlooking   deepening globalization has   attentively as Mr. Yang
              the Château, the ceremony   brought both rare opportuni-  Jiechi addressed the purpo-
              was opened with a percepti-   ties to mankind and extensi-   ses and principles of the
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