Page 27 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 27

"New Media: The Yawning Gap"

            Cybering, blogging and                                                   determining its ability to
            twittering are new communi-                                              implement new media tools
            cation technologies with                                                 effectively.
            predictable gravitational pulls
            to an unpredictable abyss.                                               Nonetheless, there are down-
            With all the twists and turns in                                         sides to the rapid technologi-
            modem 	                                                                  cal evolution, when one has to
            technology at a relatively fast                                          consider experienced and
            pace, there is no doubt that the                                         intelligent generations being
            world, in which we live, could                                           left behind only because they
            be dramatically altered in the                                           are not capable of keeping
            not too distant future.                                                  themselves in the flow of
            Modem technology is among
            the most capricious phenome-                                              Undoubtedly, the cybering,
            na of all times- tossing us into                                          blogging and twittering are
            a digital mold which                                                      great innovations on one
            continually shapes our life-                                              hand, but on the other hand
            styles and our expectations                                               these technologies are slowly
             nolens volens. Our mediums                                               but surely creating a yawning
             of communication and infor-                                              gap between developed and
                                     arsenal of Internet tools to   involving President Obama
             mation have undergone such                                               developing nations. This gap,
                                     directly disseminate informa-  the second it happens and in
             dramatic transformation in                                               often referred to as the
                                     tion including their modus-  detailed entirety."
             recent years, leaving behind                                             "digital divide", refers to the
                                     operandi to a global audience
             older generations who have                                               existing disparities between
                                     and within the shortest  If this trend continues paper
             found it difficult to keep up                                            people endowed with effecti-
                                     possible time.          communication may soon
             with technology's rapid pace.                                            ve access to digital and infor-
                                                             become a relic of the
                                                                                      mation technology and those
                                     New techniques of media  yesteryears and future
             Late last year, the Israeli                                              with very limited or no access
                                     coverage and dissemination   generations who would have
             Minister of Foreign Affairs                                              at all. Many countries still
                                     are increasingly becoming a   naturally grown in the
             announced that Israel would                                              lack technological resources
                                                             knowledge of new
             hold a worldwide press                                                   and skills to effectively
                                     manoeuvre for generations   technologies, may never learn
             conference via the social                                                participate as digital citizens.
                                     that are not in the flow of   to appreciate the leisure
             networking and micro-
                                     modem technological speed.   broadsheet
             blogging website Twitter, to                                             Modern technology is an
                                                             reading in a rocking chair.
             answer questions about the                                               exciting reality, however the
                                     The increasingly interactive
             war against Hamas in the                                                 old adage "make new friends
                                     nature of blogs, social  As a result of the "digital's"
             Gaza Strip.                                                              but keep the old" could be a
                                     networking websites like  uprise, 	politicians,
                                                                                      wise admonition and
                                     Facebook, Twitter, Myspace   economists, businesses and
             This cyber press conference                                              consideration in making
                                     or video-sharing sites such as   major news outlets are bound
             was the first of its kind in the                                         future
                                     Youtube, and the rise in user-  to embrace and oversee the
             world of politics, communi-                                              advancements.
                                     generated content technology   implementation of innovative
             cation and governmental
                                     are indeed slowly but surely   and interactive mediums of
             affairs. The trend is likely to                                                Myressa Markham
                                     causing traditional media  communication 	and
             become infectious, which will
                                     (radio, television, newspapers   information.
             once again, leave behind
                                     and magazines) to plummet.
             peoples and nations unable to
                                                             According to Francis Agozo,
             keep up with the pace of
                                     Brad Miller a "high-tech"  Engineer at Motorola,
             modem technology.
                                     Telecommunications student   Chicago, it is vital for
                                     at the University of Florida is   businesses, non profit-
             Governments in the
                                     of the opinion that traditional   organizations and media
             developed world have
                                     media is losing its power to   outlets to be heavily involved
             demonstrated that political
                                     digital media: "Newspapers   with new media and digital
             and military success is as
                                     are a great deal behind when   content. In his view, a
             much a public relations
                                     it comes to timeliness. A   company's ability to assess
             challenge as it is a diplomatic
                                     perfect example is the fact   the paramount role that media
             and military one. As a result
                                     that I can pull out my Iphone   connectivity plays in the 21st
             of this, many have adopted an
                                     and read an AP story  century is a cornerstone in
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