Page 26 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 26


                                   RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD?

                   Jasmine Champenois from the Graduate Institute of
                    International and Development Studies offers some
                                                words of advice.

                                                               local-governance project,   specialized topics, such as
                                                               what type of information   international
                                                               should they be looking for?   development
                                                               The efficient professional   evaluation or global health
                                                               needs to build a framework   diplomacy, offer participants
                                                               for analysis and action based   a space within which to think
                                                               on expert knowledge, availa-  "outside the box" and an
                                                               ble global information and,   opportunity to discover alter-
                                                               most importantly, what we   native perspectives that they
                                                               term "innovative thinking".   might not otherwise have
                                                               This is very often the missing   explored. For instance, one
                                                               link that participants are see-  diplomat recently admitted
                                                               king when they turn to our   that a case study that she had
                                                               programmes. It is this asset   examined as part of our
                                                               that gives any organization   programme on international
                                                               that "little something extra" in   law had been spot on! The
                                                               the world today.        very next day she had had to
                                                                                       adopt a multi-stakeholder
              0: Professionals who     In most fields of work, people  Q: The Graduate Institute   approach in order to solve an
              need to stay well infor-  are encouraged to continuous-  offers executive educa-  issue with a business partner.
              med about their global   ly update their knowledge and  tion programmes on
              environment face a new   skills. This is particularly true  world affairs: how do   Our programme on Global
              challenge: how can they   of professionals working in a  these fit in at a time of   Economic
              keep up with the growing   fast-moving field like global  high uncertainty in the   teaches a lot about decision-
              flow of information?     affairs. Fortunately, today  work market?       making in a time of crisis,
                                       there are a number of tools                     while at the same time
              Global affairs have, by   available for personal and  Professionals come to us for   contributing to creating
              definition, always been a busy   professional development,  degree-granting programmes,   scenarios for a sustainable
              field. What has changed is   including 	                                 future. This is perhaps one of
                                                   competitive  but also for short and tailor-
              that today there is tremendous   intelligence 	                          the most valuable aspects of
                                                    newsfeeds,  made courses. Most have
              pressure on civil servants and   independent tailor-made  between three and twenty   our approach to the study of
              businessmen alike to keep on   reports, peer forums and  years' professional experience   world affairs: we look at what
              top of the constant changes in   executive programmes.   in both the private and public   is happening today in the
              global regulations, geopolitics                  sectors. What we do is to   global arena and examine
              and the world economy. What   0: Which skills do you  bring together experienced   how events can be transfor-
              was once a career asset has   think are important in the  professionals and a world-  med into opportunities for
              now become a career      ideal global enterprise?   class faculty who share and   achieving the long-term ideal
              necessity. Most professionals                    work towards a common   of just and sustainable deve-
              now have to deal with global   When we reflect on the  goal: a commitment to help   lopment.
              or multicultural issues every   cluster of skills needed by  professionals develop a deep
              day: climate change, global   both 	                                     Contact:
                                                          and  understanding of world
              crises, 	                                                                Champenois, Executive
                                       participants in our executive  affairs. So, for example, our
              partnerships, etc.       programmes, we come up  part-time programmes, such   Education,
                                       with an endless list. What  as the Executive Master in   Institute of International
              0: Professionals don't   really matters, therefore, is for  International Negotiation and   and Development Studies,
              always have enough       each individual to have a clear  Policy-Making,
                                                                                       Geneva: Website: executi-
                                       vision of where to find the  participants to design their
              information on how       information they need, and  own analytical framework
                                       not to be overwhelmed by it.  through which to make sense
                                       So, for example, if someone is  quickly and critically of their
              activities. How can they   looking to sell more milk in a  global environment. Our
              cope?                    new market or develop a  short programmes on
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