Page 22 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 22


                           Evaluating the vulnerability

                                                of your job

                                            by Raphael C             ohen*

                                                                                      indispensible. And to know
                                                                                       what is indispensible the
                                                                                       most effective approach is to
                                                                                       compare output versus cost.
                                                                                       Because the cost is easily and
                                                                                       already measured the only
                                                                                       thing that remains to be
                                                                                       measured in this equation is
                                                                                       the output, hence the need for

                                                                                       How will this affect you? If
                                                                                       you cannot demonstrate that
                                                                                       what you are doing is worth
                                                                                       your salary, your job is or, at
                                                                                       one point or another, will be
                                                                                       at risk. To check your
                                                                                       exposure, identify the
                                                                                       indicators that should be used
                                                                                       to measure what you deliver.
                                      There are two kinds of   best! In an environment   This is the first challenge. Do
                                      people: those who have lost   governed by accountability,   not fall into the trap of
                                      their job and those who will   this is no longer enough. Your   measuring activity volumes.
                                      (one day) lose their job. The   employer is now (or will soon   For instance, measuring the
                                      only question is 'when'?.   be) demanding measurable   number of patients treated in
                                      This might sound cynical, but   results in exchange for your   a hospital used to be a good
                                      in today's fast-changing   salary. This evolution cor-  enough indicator. Because it
                                      environment, nothing will   responds to the transition   only measures a volume of
                                      stay the same, even in the   from a "culture of efforts" to a   activity, it does not measure
                                      public sector. Civil servants   "culture of results".   efficiency. The final purpose
                                      are unfortunately not immune
                                                                                       of a hospital is not to
                                      to the trends affecting society.   Even
                                                                                       maximize the number of
                                                              organizations are affected by   patients, but to treat patients
                                      One of these trends is the   this trend calling for   at the lowest reasonable cost
                                      growing accountability in all   accountability and efficiency:
                                                                                       while having satisfied
                                      aspects of our life.  better use of public money
                                                                                       patients and doctors. A more
                                      Accountability is the liability   means more measurable out-  relevant indicator could, for
                                      to be called on to render an   put for the money spent. The   instance, be the operating
                                      account. Accounts are by   world economic crisis   expenses of the hospital
                                      definition measurable. This   reduced (and will continue to   divided by the number of
                                      means using indicators to   reduce) government income
                                                                                       satisfied patients. Because
                                      verify the return on    (lower
                                                                                       such a ratio only takes into
                                      investment (= the output or   increasing their disburse-  account the "satisfied"
                                      the result). Since the salary   ments to salvage some   patients (or their family), it
                                      paid is an investment and not   vulnerable economic sectors.   expresses the real finality of
                                      a gift, your investor/employer   This means less money   the hospital. Jam not trying to
                                      is expecting something back   available to pay current   say that this proposed
                                      in return. Until recently, a   budget expenses, which   indicator is the right one for a
                                      presence and "best efforts"   necessarily leads to budget
                                      were generally considered to   cuts. Governments are not   hospital, but only to show
                                                                                       that the choice of indicator
                                      be good enough: you are at   different from companies:   MUST express the final
                                      your desk and you do your   they cut what is less
                 20 4 2009 Diva

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