Page 17 - DIVA_4_2009
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            technology to be implemen-  Obviously this amount also   have sustainable services in   hundreds of thousands of
            ted. We are modifying some   includes lost water. When you   Bahrain and in the Gulf, we  children are dying through
            processes and adding value,   take the total consumption   have to look towards the  lack of water and from mal-
            but we have not developed   and divide it by the number of   future generations. We have   nutrition. It is a disgrace for
            our own technology. In order   inhabitants -- which is about 1   to do something to fix some   all of mankind. Everything
            to do that we would need a   million people -- you get a   of our old practices.   has been focused on and
            research centre and we do not   figure of around 350 to 380              directed towards working to
            have one. On the other hand,   litres per day, which is really a   0: Where does the main  relieve humankind from daily
            there is an important research   lot. That is the reason why we   income for Bahrain come  suffering. You see pictures of
            centre in Saudi Arabia, as   are trying to tackle this at dif-  from?    what people endure every day
            they too are highly dependent   ferent levels -- at the tariff           in parts of Africa and Asia.
            on desalination.        level, on the awareness level   We rely heavily on oil reve-  And even in our part of the
                                    by alerting people about   nues. We do manufacture alu-  world people are still suffe-
            0: What do you do in    consumption and by some   minium products, and we also   ring every day. It is our
            order to make the       technical projects and initiati-  provide petrochemicals and   responsibility to alleviate all
            Bahrainis aware of water   ves to account for lost water.   financial services. Those are   of these problems. We are
            consumption?            Lost water accounts for   the main sources of income.   now confronted with the
                                    around 30% in the network:   Tourism and other services  Millennium Development
            We have campaigns, yearly   18% of that is a loss within   are beginning to contribute,   Goals, and we all have a
            exhibits and exhibitions aler-  the network, 6% is theft, and   but not yet significantly. We   responsibility to help those
            ting the population about the   6% is from meter malfunc-  are launching new initiatives   others who cannot fulfil these
            matter of water conservation.   tion.            in which most of the compa-  requirements.
            One thing that we are current-                    nies owned by the govern-
            ly working on is restructuring   0: 		                                   I was in Nairobi for a meeting
                                                              ment are being put under one
            the tariffs. We have to manage   electricity?     umbrella holding company --  of UN Habitat, and I went to
            the demand. Right now, an                        Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding   the Director-General's office.
            average person in Bahrain is   We are still relying on natural   Company. In this way, we are   There was a picture on the
            consuming almost double the   gas to fuel our generating   trying to seek other sources  wall and I asked her what it
            quantity of water that is used   plants. Most of our plants use   for revenues.   was. She said: It is one of
            elsewhere in the world. It is   two different types of fuel. We           the biggest slums in the
            nearly double what you   can rely on diesel engines, but   Q: Are you open  world. It is in Kenya. I now
            consume in Europe or in the   this is only economic for   to people looking to do   keep this picture in my offi-
            United States. This is very   emergencies. We are trying to   business in Bahrain?   ce to remind me every day
            significant. We have to cut   focus on alternative renewa-               of the suffering in people's
            down what we use by at least   ble sources of energy. One   Yes. Bahrain is one of the  lives. It is the responsibility
            half, otherwise -- no matter   alternative is nuclear, the   most active countries in the  of rich countries to contribu-
            what we do -- we will have to   others are solar and wind.   World Trade Organization,  te to support the living of
            continue to expand our infras-  One of our strategic choices is   and we have signed agree-  others. I think the Gulf
            tructure and pay a lot of   to seek alternatives as we   ments and opened up mar-  countries have devoted quite
            money to desalinate water.   have limitations on gas pro-  kets. We allow investors to  considerate amounts of
            Our aim is to reduce this   duction in Bahrain.   come here and we try to make   money to change the lives of
            consumption and we are now                        it easier for them to do  people in Asia and Africa.
            working on different fronts.   0: What about the solar   business in Bahrain.
            One of them is obviously to   and wind energy                             So why don't we hear about
            restructure tariffs -- trying to   projects?      0: Do you have a  it? Probably we are not
            account for non-running                           message for the inter-  doing as much as we should.
            water/lost water, and we are   We are planning to carry out   national community?   That is the message that
            looking into technologies in   some pilot projects with                   everybody should unders-
            order to reduce costs. Our   French and German    I think that there are a lot of  tand. Every day when I
            prime concern is the efficient   companies on solar and wind   things we should do in order   wake up I see my daughter
            utilization of water.   energy. When it comes to   to spread some fairness and   who is one year and five
                                    solar energy, as far as I   equity in the world. There are   months old, and she reminds
            0: How do you explain   understand, it is non-viable in   regions in the world that are   me that there are babies of
            that Bahrainis use nearly   commercial 	                                  her age who do not get pro-
                                                              suffering a great deal and it's a
            double the quantity of   Perhaps you can obtain   shame on mankind that we do   per nutrition. Sometimes
            water as Europeans?     enough to power your house,   not help someone who is  you see films that make your
                                    but you would not have    affected by food or water  heart bleed because there are
            It is the same in all the Gulf   enough to operate a factory. I   shortages, or suffering from   people trying to obtain a
            countries. While a person in   know that in the United States   disease, natural disasters and   meal a day and they cannot
            Europe or in the United States   and Japan they are incorpora-  so on. It is our responsibility   get it. Let us do something
            uses 200 litres a day, I think   ting solar cells into houses.   as human beings living now   for God's sake!
            that we are using something   We work in a different   to help alleviate suffering if
            around 300 to 350 litres a day.   environment here. If we are to   we can because today
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