Page 14 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 14


              involved in the eradication   organization, and the aim is   approach towards the  It is important to meet the
              of poliomyelitis and has   to finance economic   media. Since the election of  media, especially in over-
              continued its efforts in this   development in our Member   Secretary-General
                                                                                   Dr.  coming Islamophobia. The
              sense.                  States, at the same time as   Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu from  OIC is the only organization
                                      encouraging economic     Turkey, there has been a  consisting of high-level
              We are also heavily     relations between the    change of approach to make  segment -- Heads of State
              involved in advocacy    Islamic countries and the   the work of the organization  and Ministers -- enabling
              programmes Let me give   Western world.          better known among the  direct contact with Western
              you an example of what we                        general public.         leaders and thus enabling
              have done. In Nigeria, for a   0: Who are the ones                       them to agree on program-
              long time, people did not   benefiting from the   It is also true that we did not  mes and collaboration
              want to participate in   financial assistance?   have a lot of branches. The  between the Muslims on one
              vaccination programmes, so                       office in Geneva is covering  side and Western societies
              OIC mobilized the Nigerian   In general, it is the govern-  the whole of Europe. Now,  on the other. If there is no
              religious leaders so as to   ments of the Member States   with the documentation and  dialogue it's quite serious.
              draw attention to the   that are benefitting from the   the magazine published by  For instance, in the case of
              benefits of vaccinating chil-  programmes However, this   the OIC we are more  the Danish caricatures [of
              dren.                   does not exclude non-    known. It's true that in  Mohammed], we met with
                                      governmental organizations   Geneva we were quite well-  the European Union (EU)
              We work in close collabora-  (NGOs). NGOs have a spe-  known, because we are very  leaders and intervened in
              tion with the Roll Back   cial solidarity fund set up by   active in the fields of human   our own Member States
              Malaria Partnership at the   the Islamic Bank for civil   rights, refugees, health,  appealing for calm so as not
              World Health Organization   society and NGOs. There is   migration, intellectuals, etc.  to respond to the
              (WHO) to fight malaria. We   a two-sided approach.   All the international  provocation. It is important
              are financing some                               organizations based here in  to have a dialogue between
              programmes in this field   0: How do you explain   Geneva work in close  the Western and the Muslim
              with WHO.               that we do not know a    collaboration with OIC. We  worlds.
                                      lot 	                             for   instance,
              We also have a fund for   organization?          agreements with OIM,  0: Why is your organi-
              economic development. In                         HCR, WHO, WIPO and  zation named the
              fact, 	                                          OCHA. We are becoming  Organization of the
                                      Its true that OIC has been
              Development that is the   lacking visibility. Earlier, we   more and more visible in the  Islamic Conference?
     0        financing agency for the   did not have an open   field.
                 12 42009 Diva

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