Page 11 - DIVA_4_2009
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Dui'ing   my   work   and  many  many   of   our   fenow   human  institutions    at   home   and
            inissions    iii   Afi'ica    I   have  beings     who    desperately  gbroad   have   not  been   able   to
            seen   too   many   men,   women  need   to   live   with    humaii  cope    with    the    growing
            andchildren    die  fromunsafe  dignity    preserved.    hi   this  global     problems     like
            or   no   water.   28%    of  the  pursuit,    we   have   to   work  poverty,     climate     change,
            children    dying    before    the  hand    in   hand    with    local  diseases     and    organized
            age  of   5  in  Africa   die  for  communities     and    their  Cllme.
            lack   of   clean   water   or  ade-  human     and    material
            quate   sa+'utatron.    resources.               I  believe   we  need   an  inter-
                                                             national   division   of  labour
            Here   is  a  concrete   challenge  Q:  You   have   a  long  to  effectively    deal   with   these
            for   all   of  us  -  to  provide    safe  international     career.  huge   challenges.    Here   I
            water   to  l  billion    people   lac-  When   you  look   at  the  hope   the   United    Nations
            king   it  and  2,4  billion   lac-  world   today,   what   went  will   represent    the   best   of  our

            king   toilets.   I  have   recently  wrong,    and   is   there  dreams    as well    as set  the
            accepted     to    serve    as  something   that  we  as  direction    for   envigorated
            Chaiii'nan    of   a  new   Swedish  ordinary   citizens   can   do  work    for   peace,   develop-
            NGO,     WaterAid/Sweden.  to  improve   it?     ment   and  respect   of   human
            We  work   vei'y   closely   with                rights.
            our   "mother    organisation"  Nobody    can   do  evei'ything    -
            WaterAid/[JK.    which    was  but   everybody    can   do  some-
            named    the   Chai'ity    of  the  thing.   We   must   not   succumb
            Year   by  Financial    Times   in  to  hopelessness    and   passivi-
            2008.                    ty.   The   world    has   missed
                                     many    opportunities     and
            I  vei'y   much   hope   we  can  political    leaders   have   made
            make   conditions    better   for  many    mistakes.     Our

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                                                                      please contact   the  G.P.A.F.I.:

                                                                      Tel: +41 (O) 22917  2620  or  3946

                                                                                                   4  2009   Diva   9

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