Page 6 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 6


                                                                                        Goulnara    Karimova's    initiati-
                                                                                       ve,    the   Fund    Forum    has
                                                                                        grown   into   Uzbekistan's    lea-
                                                                                        ding   public   organization    dea-
                                                                                        ling   with    a broad    raiige    of

                                                                                        iSsueS  in  cultural    and   humani-
                                                                                        tarian    spheres.     The    Fund
                                                                                       Fonun     has    offices     in
                                                                                       Tashkent,    Moscow,    Beijing,
                                                                                       Tokyo,    Paris,   Geneva    and
                                                                                        Vieima.   It   has  established    CLII-
                                                                                        tural   ties   with    partners    in
                                                                                        Austria,     Belgium,     China,
                                                                                        Egypt,     France,     Germany,
                                                                                        Japan,   Luxembourg,    Russia
                                                                                        and   Switzerland,     as    well    as
                                                                                        other    counties.     Memoran-
                                                                                        dums   of   understanding    and

                                                                                        paitnersl'up t%lLLlllLllL    have
                                                                                        been   signed   with   UNESCO,
                                                                                        the   Biitisli    Council,    the   Swiss
                                                                                        Agency     for   Develop-ment
                                                                                        and    Co-operation,     Soon
                                                                                        Ching    Ling   Foundation    of
                                                                                        China,     the    Austrian
                                                                                        Association    of  Retirees    and
                                                                                        the  National    Museum    of   tlie
                                                                                        Repriblic    of   Korea.

                                                                                        The   Fund    Fonun   has   given
                                                                                        itself   the   goal   of   representing
                                                                                        Uzbek     culture     abroad,
                                                                                        cultivating    aiid   expanding    the
                                                                                        country's     international     co-
                                                                                        operation     in    cultural     and
                                                                                        humanitai'iaii    spheres,    provi-
                                                                                        ding   broad   suppoit   to  young
                                                                                        talents   and   creative   people.

                  4  4  2009   Diva

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