Page 7 - DIVA_4_2009
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                                                             The Fund Forum's activities at   exhibition/fair of applied arts
                                                             national level are equally   and crafts Bazar-art, the festi-
                                                             extensive and diverse. In par-  val of Traditional Culture
                                                             ticular, it implements a major   Asrlar Sadosi (Echo of
                                                             annual project to support   Centuries), the biggest Art
                                                             young talents in Uzbekistan --  Week in Central Asia,
                                                             the Republican Festival of   and many others. Besides that,
                                                             Children's Creativity Yangi   the Fund Forum provides sup-  I
                                                             Avlod (new generation),   port in implementing various
                                                             which is now held with the   international projects in
                                                             assistance of the UNICEF.   Uzbekistan, such as the
                                                             What adds lustre to the big-  Biennale of Modern Art,
                                                             gest children's festival is the   which was held this year in
                                                             fact that these talented young   the framework of Art Week
                                                             people receive their prizes, International Photo
                                                             from the hands of internatio-  Biennale, the International
                                                             nal stars. This year, the grants   Photo
                  At the Final of the Fund Forum's Contemporary
             Choreography, Gymnastics and Sport Plastic Art International   were handed to the laureates   Contemporary Arts "East and
                                                             by big-name stars such as   West: Tashkent Crossroads".
                          Contest - Tashkent, 2009
                                                             Sting and Sezaria Evora, who
             The main directions of the   Russian Vanguard and   had come to Tashkent specifi-  TRADITION
             Fund Forum's activity also   Bukhara Silk" in Saint   cally for this event.   MODERNITY   --  IDEAL
             involve youth projects and   Petersburg, the exhibition   Throughout its five years of   COMBINATION?
             grants to support the   "Colours of the Silk Road:   existence, the Festival has
             education of talented young   Suzane of Uzbekistan" in   embraced over 50,000 talen-   Judging from the inter
             people in the country and   Glasgow, art and photo exhi-  ted
                                                                                      -national interest and the
             abroad; international presenta-  bition "Tashkent: Yesterday   Uzbekistan. The Festival fea-  success of the Fund Forum's
             tions; children's creativity pro-  and Today" in Geneva and   tures children aged between 6   two major projects -- the
             jects including premises with   Vienna, and many others. The   and 14 years old, irrespective   Festival of Traditional Culture
             free tutoring; sponsoring crea-  Fund Forum also became an   of their social status and pro-  Asrlar Sadosi (echo of
             tive exhibitions and wide-  official partner of the annual   fessional training.   centuries) and Art Week
             scale projects in fashion and   Hyères International Festival  , initiated by Goulnara
             design; supporting youth cine-  of Fashion and Photography   Among other big projects are:   Karimova -- the answer is
             matography and music; grants   in France.       Programme on Educational   definitely "yes".
             to 		                                           Grants, Programme of
             athletes; charity projects and   In May 2009, Goulnara   Scholarships for gifted stu-  According to art experts, the
             micro-credits for female   Karimova's Fund Forum was   dents, Contest of Talented   purpose of these two projects
             entrepreneurs and large fami-  the official donor of the   Youth Kelajak Ovozi (Voice   is twofold: first, they represent
             lies; social events to support   annual charity evening   of the Future), the festival of   Uzbek culture in its full spec-
             large families; pedagogical   amfAR Cinema against AIDS   traditional and contemporary   trum, including traditional
             and educational projects to   held as part of the Cannes   arts Navqiron O'zbekiston   aspects and modern trends;
             support researchers and   Film Festival in Paris. In par-  (Young Uzbekistan), an   second, international celebri-
             publishers; business forums,   ticular, Goulnara made a   annual award in sphere of   ties, art experts, journalists
             round-tables, etc.      donation of $50,000 to the   music and TV M&TVA, an   and other international guests
                                     amfAR Foundation, which
             For the past years the Fund   will be channelled into
             Forum has carried out a num-  HI V/AIDS
             ber of major projects which   prevention, education and
             generated great interest   advocacy programmes world-
             abroad. Among them are the   wide.
             presentation of Uzbek desi-
             gners in Paris, the photo exhi-  In Uzbekistan Goulnara is the
             bition "125 years of Uzbek   initiator of implementing by
             photography" presented in   several foundations together
                                     with USAID of the
             Belgium, Germany, China,   Programme of training and
             Japan, Russia and Ukraine,   awareness raising against
             the exhibition "Great Silk   HIV/AIDS entitled "We are
             Road and its Heritage" in   for healthy lifestyle!", in
             Tokyo, "An Evening of Uzbek   which annually around 200
             Art" organized annually in   volunteers and students parti-
             Moscow, the art exhibition   cipate from almost all major   On the special occasion of the young
             "Dreams about the East:   higher education institutions.     talents nomination with Sting

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