Page 9 - DIVA_4_2009
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working to develop other
cipate in its directions that the youth are in
work. The YIC interested in, such as Voice of
projects play an the Future Television Studio,
important role in Association of Youth Clubs,
the life of the Youth Press Centre, etc.
Uzbek youth.
For instance, The non-standard and
Kelajak Tour promising models of social
(Future Tour) -- a projects and programmes
bureau for inter- which Goulnara develops
national tourism with a creative approach and
and co-operation an eye for positive outcome
founded in 2007 are indicative of her broad
-- has been very vision and her boundless desi-
active in the re to make an important
development of contribution to the level of
international life, way of thinking and life
youth exchange perception of many today. To
At the event dedicated to the SISF's Providing women and co-operation. let people believe in them-
farmers with micro-credits program - Tashkent, 2009 Among other selves as she puts it: "There
YIC projects are are many talented young
representatives of major inter- with Uzbek and foreign
partners, implementing diver-
national Young Entrepreneurs' School, people who need a chance and
companies like "Novartis" se programmes in health-care, which helps develop skills in an opportunity to become a bit
theoretical and practical busi- self-confident at an early
education, social infrastructu-
ness activity and economics; stage, and young people, in
aventis (France), "Hoffmann re, ecology and provision of
the Youth Employment their turn, should have a
- La Roche (Germany) and access to clean water. For the
others. past two years, more than Agency, a programme that healthy aspiration to make life
100,000 people have become assists talented young people better in its all manifestations.
to apply their knowledge and Then the progress is possible"
Following the Conference in direct and associated benefi-
skills in practice; Kelajak - is rather important and plays
clinics of various regions of ciaries of the projects laun-
Lingvo (Future Lingvo) a significant role in the life of
Uzbekistan special mammo- ched by the SISF.
Language Centre, which pro- each and everyone.
logy offices are being establis-
vides opportunities for young
hed with the modem equip- Among the most significant
ment where patients are hel- SISF projects are: Programme people to master foreign lan-
ped by breast physicians and of Micro-Credits for Women- guages. In an effort to boost
psychologists. The coopera- Farmers; Programme of discussion and polemic
culture and ensure more active
tion is established with the Introducing a National Model
European Coalition to fight of Inclusive Education in the youth involvement in social,
political, cultural and econo-
against breast cancer 'Europa system of pre-school and
Donna" where Uzbekistan school education; as well as mic processes, the YIC esta-
blished a special Debating
became its member in 2009 at programmes aimed at fighting
Club "Dilemma", where
the initiative of Jenskoye and preventing HIV/AIDS in
young people conduct discus-
Sobraniye, and as well as with the region.
a number of pharmacological sions in Uzbek, Russian and
companies and enterprises As was mentioned, the Fund English. The YIC is also
that does possible providing Forum provides assistance to
with expensive and necessary talented young people and
medicines for women who engages them in projects and
need the support due to breast activities which combine both
cancer diagnosis. Jenskoye modem cultural tendencies
Sobraniye organizes a variety and the traditional heritage, in
of events for orphans as well. particular through its project
Kelajak Ovozi Youth
The Social Initiatives Support Initiatives Center (YIC)
Fund (SISF) ( (w w w. k e 1 aj ak o v o z i . u z),
works toward consolidating which was founded in 2006 in
the efforts of active members consideration of the initiatives
of Uzbek civil society in order of winners of the Fund
to improve the living condi- Forum's projects. Currently,
tions of citizens and those in the Centre has branches in all
need of social support. The regions of Uzbekistan, and Goulnara surrounded by the Fund Forum s youth
SISF co-operates actively several thousands of young program and contests winners
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