Page 13 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 13
are countering it, but in the Member States of the Commissioner for Human So this is an overview of
order to succeed we need to OIC. Rights. what we do: co-ordination,
work together. However, capacity-building
one should not stigmatize We believe that religious We are currently working on reinforcement of national
the Muslims -- that is some- leaders play a major role. setting up an independent institutions on human rights
thing very dangerous, and First of all, they should body within the head- issues.
nothing good can come of it clarify the basic principles quarters of OIC in Jeddah to
because we are condemned of the religion, which say promote human rights issues Another issue
to live together. that we should respect one in Muslim countries. We are humanitarian assistance. We
another and live together in doing this with the are also setting up a depart-
0: It is interesting that harmony. However, there assistance from the Office of ment dealing with humani-
you mention this exist some interpretations of the Human Rights tarian issues as, until the
because my next ques- different religions that aim Commission. present time, we did not
tion was just to ask you at creating tensions. have one dealing with these
about inter-religious Therefore, inter-religious We also contribute to co- matters. In this field, we
dialogue. dialogue is something ordinate the efforts made by collaborate closely with the
important, permitting the the Ambassadors of Office for the Co-ordination
Inter-religious dialogue is Christians, Muslims and Member States of the OIC of Humanitarian Affairs
very important. Before I go Jews to live together in so as to speak with one (OCHA) in order to
any further, I would like to peace and harmony. voice on certain important mobilize the Member States
say that we are heavily questions in the Human of the OIC, either
involved in the UN 0: What are the main Rights Council. individually or through the
objectives of your
supported organization as a whole.
"Alliance of Civilizations". organization here in The OIC group have
Geneva? contributed positively to the We are also working to
Inter-religious dialogue is setting up of the Human combat poverty. We have
something important for Geneva is the world capital Rights Council and to its put in place a special fund
OIC and, on the initiative of on human rights issues. functioning -- either the for a huge programme
King Abdullah of Saudi Thus, the main issue is to rules, the regulations or the consisting of several ele-
Arabia, there was a meeting contribute to the promotion functioning -- and we assist ments to deal with these
in Madrid recently and and preservation of human certain of our Member issues in Muslim countries.
another one in New York. A rights around the world. We States with advice on human This is being financed by the
dialogue has been set in work in close collaboration rights issues. Islamic Development Bank.
motion and is supported by with the Office of the High OIC has also been heavily
4 2009 Diva 11